Well, we made it through the weekend, and no one is worse for the wear. (At least not in my house, but I'm willing to bet there are a few of our friends who were not so lucky!!) My kids enjoyed trick-or-treating, they actually "got it" for the first time this year, and WOW it's a cool concept to them!!! I mean, in their eyes, they got to wear strange clothing, and carry a magical bag. You see, they took this magic bag, opened it up to other people wearing strange clothing, and the people gave them stuff!! All they had to do was say "Thank you", and head off to the next strangely dressed person for some more!! Of course, my daughter (being the brilliant little girl that she is) realized that these people thought she was particularly cute, and decided she would bat her eyelashes to get them to give up more cool stuff. Every few stops she would get her candy, close the bag, open it up again, and look as cute as possible. This almost invariably resulted in an "Awww!!" and some more candy for her. I tried hard to reprimand her for doing this, because I had seen so many older kids acting horribly rude, and do not want mine to act like that as they grow older, but who am I to compete with the cherubic face of this little diva?? Seeing this, N and I decided she will be the one who makes all the boys fall all over themselves for her in school. We all knew a girl like that... if she needed something she could just pout her lip a bit, and have every boy in the class at her beck and call. Well look out class of 2020... because we've created a monster!
My son also had a blast, and was surprisingly brave considering he is usually a bit of a scaredy cat. He sat on a monster's lap, didn't flinch at the ghouls and goblins, and the only tears shed were when N and I left the sitter's house for our party. He is a "people person", says "HI!!" to just about anyone he sees, so he must have felt like a celebrity with all the attention he got. It's just too awesome to see the world through their eyes!
Later in our Halloween adventure, we attended our party. "What happens in the grotto stays in the grotto", but we had a great time. The morning came without a hangover, which is always a good thing! One observation... drinking a macchiato on a day you plan to drink alcohol is never a good idea. Consider it a lesson in dehydration I will share with you in order to spare you the experience.
To end our weekend, we visited Opa (N's dad), who gave the kids gumballs. They're 2. They don't get the concept of gum. My boy can't understand why you would want to put something in your mouth and NOT swallow it. We tried to explain the idea, then we took the gum away. So I want to thank their Opa for making us into the bad guys. I *think* this is payback for all the evil things N did as a child. (My parents get their payback in loud toys... Thanks Mom and Dad!!!) *SIGH* Considering N's childhood nickname was White Tornado, I think I'm in for a LOT of payback from Oma and Opa!!!
So, we did indeed survive the weekend, and life will not return to it's regularly programmed insanity. Tomorrow's lesson will explain my theory: (2 kids + sugar) - Daddy= Mom needs a Valium!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2004
We Survived!!!!
Posted by
10/31/2004 10:14:00 PM
Saturday, October 30, 2004
MMMMM.... Starbucks....
Well, good morning!!! I'm in a fairly good mood this morning, because N brought me a machiatto for Starbucks, and to me this is better than jewelry. Add an extra shot of espresso, and I'm one HAPPY camper. This is the first year my kids will actaully grasp the idea of trick or treating, and in my town we are doing it tonight instead of Sunday, because they don't do it on school nights. Bizarre concept to me, when I was growing up we trick or treated on Halloween regardless. So we will be getting the kids dressed as Mickey and Minnie, and taking them to the mall for the first of their activities. On the message board I'm addicted to, somone asked if you eat your kids halloween candy. Now, this may change once they are old enough to know better, but in the meantime, HELL YEAH! I mean, I wouldn't feel right giving 2 year olds that much sugar, so they can wreak havok on the world. I'm doing you, the citizens, a favor by sparing you my kids all hopped up on Snickers and Kit Kats. So wish me luck, a day without tantrums would be great! Hopefully, I'll post again before the weekend is over, if not see ya Monday!!!
Posted by
10/30/2004 07:13:00 AM
Friday, October 29, 2004
the neverending day....
Well, N and I were fighting for the past 2 days, though that is thankfully at a lull. To make my day even more interesting, (because at 22, I apparently NEED grey hair!!!) I find out late in the day my Ex is NOT coming to pick up the kids for visitation. Normally, no big deal, and not entirely unexpected, however there is a party tomorrow night for N's company, and I've REALLY been looking forward to it. (Ok, maybe I've been looking forward to the open bar, it still counts!!) So now I need to find a last minute sitter. Thank God for my best friend, she stepped up without hesitation, but it's the principle!!! However, "X" is not picking them up because he has extra duty. For you non-military folks it's like detention for bad soldiers. Hee Hee... I do take such pleasure in knowing he's gotten himself in more trouble... I'm evil! Now for a rant...
Why is it people seem surprised when they find out you have had a bad divorce. I mean really, if we could fight nice we wouldn't have split up would we?? I mean I know I had $10,000 laying around and I woke up one morning and said "Hey honey, I've got a great idea!!! Let's go to court, humiliate each other, fight over EVERYTHING we have, and go bankrupt in the process... just for the hell of it!!!" Come on people... there is a reason we aren't married anymore!!! And the most retarding thing of the whole divorce process is the final hearing. The lawyers actually ask you under oath if there is any reasonable means of reconciliation. Hello? Are you new here? We're broke from paying you for over a year to fight out every wrongdoing imaginable in our marriage, we hate each other's guts, and would probably start a fistfight if the Deputy wasn't standing there! Do you think we are going to walk out of here holding hands?!?!?! Ugh....
See... I promised you drama when i started my blog, and drama I shall deliver. Don't you feel better about your problems already??
Posted by
10/29/2004 11:15:00 PM
The night owl... this was shortly before I posted about them not sleeping!!! She decided her brother's bed was better than hers.
Posted by
10/29/2004 09:26:00 PM
Thursday, October 28, 2004
A shaky start...
Welcome to my insanity... please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. Enjoy the ride!!!
Ok, I decided to start this blog not because i think my life is particularly interesting, but because i think it could be theraputic to you. I mean, it's so out there you can't help but feel better about your own drama. And, I can share some cool shit I find along the way!! Check out the profile to find out more about me and my family, and any other "key" players. Feel free to tell me what you think, I'll either thank you or make fun of you relentlessly, depending on your opinion!
Posted by
10/28/2004 09:05:00 PM
My beautiful children turned evil...
Well it's 12:10 Am here in TX, and my wonderful children have given me hell all night long. You see, at 2, they think the world is their oyster, especially when Daddy is working, like he is tonight. Well, my daughter, from now on referred to as "B", is still awake, though I'm pretty sure she is now on her way to Dreamland. My son, "A", is passed out as of about 15 minutes ago, but he put up a hell of a fight. Why they don't want to sleep without Daddy here is a mystery, but it makes for one nutty Mommy!! There are times when duct taping them to their bed seems perfectly reasonable... damn my maternal sense for not letting me do it!!!
Posted by
10/28/2004 12:10:00 AM