Hurricane Katrina is the biggest natural disaster this country has seen since the turn of the 20th century. I realize we are "the wealthiest nation in the world", but that doesn't mean our citizens are all filthy rich. The people most affected by this storm are poor, or elderly, or both. They need help, as quickly as possible. If you can help in any way, be it financially, with food donations, with blood donations, or any other assistance, PLEASE DO SO! Every single one of us would hope some kind souls would come to our aid in the wake of such devastation, so please do everything you can to help those in need today. You can click the banner at the top of this page for the Red Cross, they will help you help others. If you don't want to go through Red Cross, please be careful who you are sending donations to. Donate to well known charities and organizations, because the sad truth is con artists will use this disaster to steal money from good samaritans.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Help somebody
Posted by
8/31/2005 02:13:00 PM
A little Wednesday Lovin'
Daddy and Madison sharing the love
A rare moment of calm with these two
Th mohawk boys
Posted by
8/31/2005 09:01:00 AM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Share thy frugal tricks!
**Going into full geek Mom mode**
I'm a bit obsessed with saving money, considering we're facing giving up our firstborn to fill up the gas tank. (I might complain, but I do like the kid!) So... I've been on a savings spree, trying to squeeze every possible penny out of every dollar. This area gets SUCKY coupons, and the commissary (unlike Ft. Hood, where I was SPOILED) has sucky selection and no military coupons. All of that means my grocery bill makes me want to curl up in the corner and cry, or at least pop a blood vessel or two. I've hunted down the best online coupons, but they have to be really good for me to print out since ink costs more than vital organs. I'm going to use an off post grocery with better deals, except for a few things I get MUCH cheaper on post. (Like milk, because dammit we go through a lot!) So, spill your best money saving tips. How do you live a comfortable life on a shoestring budget? What's your average grocery bill, how many are in your family, and how often do you shop? Groceries aside, what do you do to pinch pennies? Come on, don't be shy, we're all cheapskates at heart!!
**If you are a big spender, or LOADED, you need not respond, because we all hate you. Just kidding... sort of**
Posted by
8/30/2005 10:57:00 PM
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has been heavily criticized by the US. Then he offers reduced oil prices to poor Americans, eye care to those who cannot afford it in American, and after Katrina he was the FIRST (and so far the only I've heard about) to offer aid. Food, manpower, water, and fuel, he offered this to us to help the victims of the hurricane. We offer BILLIONS in aid to most of the world, and when American needs a hand the first to step up is someone who has been badmouthed and even threatened by our country. I don't really know, or care, what our administration has against this man, but I have to say he's a stand up guy.
Posted by
8/30/2005 02:27:00 PM
He can do it!!
Right now I'm sitting outside watching Shane ride his bike. That's right, he finally figured it out!! He's as proud as a peacock right now, he's been riding for a couple days, and getting better with each lap around the carport. Maddie is still uninterested, she likes to lead her bike around by the handlebars, like a prized showdog. Either way, I wish I could bottle up the joy on my son's face at his newest accomplishment. It almost makes up for all the times he drives me nuts. ALMOST.
Posted by
8/30/2005 11:58:00 AM
Monday, August 29, 2005
Fair Trade
Will trade 2 healthy children, one male, one female, for 1 Venti Caramel Frap and a dozen Krispy Kremes. Please call (800)GONENUTS. Thank you.
Posted by
8/29/2005 11:38:00 AM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
The path of Katrina
All of those in Katrina's path are in our thoughts tonight, and through the week. This is frightening, even to those of us who are "used" to hurricanes. Please stay safe, and check in when you can.
Posted by
8/28/2005 08:36:00 PM
Will blog for...
Some of my more attentive readers may notice I've added a couple things to my sidebar. Money things, to be exact. I hate to seem like a beggar, or someone who blogs to make money, but I decided to add the Paypal "donate" button and the associates program. So, if any of you are ever feeling generous, and want to help fund my now canceled trip to see Cori (I was actually going to get to see MY CORI during N's deployment, since we've been the best of friends for almost 2 years, but have never seen face to face!!) you now know how to do so. Of course, I'll lavish you with love and affection if you DO decide to share the wealth, but I'll still love you if you don't! Even better, the thing is just a click through to shop, and they pay me a couple cents, so if you are doing your Holiday shopping, could you go through my site? I'll have to go through someone else's since I can't use my own, and last year it looked like Amazon threw up in my bedroom at Christmas time! So, consider this my one and only greedy "send me money" post, y'all know how to do it if you want to. *wink*
Posted by
8/28/2005 05:24:00 PM
Proof it's genetic
This is the scene at my house today. Please ignore the messy slipcovers, and witness the dorkiness. N's sleeve is up because he's airing out his smallpox vaccine, YUM! Note the socks up to his knees. Jake's pants have a big ass hole on the behind (more of a slice taken out of them), but I figured I'd spare you the photo.
Posted by
8/28/2005 01:28:00 PM
Sunday, Muddy Sunday
We all slept in today, kids included, and that is always a good thing. Family breakfast (we do special family breakfast on Sunday) was homemade cinnamon raisin bread. YUM! It's a boring, rainy Sunday, negating any plans we had for spending the day in the sun and fresh air. Instead, the kids made crafts with the colored macaroni, the boys are playing Madden on the PS2, and I'm perched on the couch with the laptop. Since we bought it planning for N to take it to Iraq, I now get it as an early birthday present. (*cough* My birthday is next month if any of you are feeling generous!! *cough*) I mean, if we're gonna pay for the damn thing, might as well get good use, and I assure you I'm using it at every possible moment.
My son is the weirdest child ever. He's spent the day so far wearing his windbreaker jacket, complete with the hood, and walking around on plastic plates from a tea set. Strange little creature, but considering his daddy and uncle are both wearing hunter orange skullies indoors, I can see where he gets it.
I have a backache, added to the near constant headaches I've had lately. I'm not a happy camper, as Mortin, a bath, and being propped up on the couch are not helping. I'm way too young to feel this old. Anyone know a good chiropractor? In the meantime I'm going to break out the exercise ball and do some of the back stretches Tish recommended.
That sums up my boring day so far, what are you up to this weekend?
Posted by
8/28/2005 12:33:00 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Macaroni Bread
Every once in a while you hear a truly priceless line, one that makes the speaker immediately think "What the hell did I just say?!" Tonight it was Nate's turn to humor us. I was downstairs dyeing macaroni by shaking it in a jar with food coloring. When I came upstairs, Nate asked me what I was shaking downstairs, and I said "macaroni." A few minutes later, while making bread, I came upstairs to use the scissors, cutting open a package of yeast. Nate says to me "What are you making? Bread?" I told him I was, and he replied "Macaroni bread?" with an incredulous look on his face. As soon as the words left his mouth his brother and I turned to look at him, like "Are you kidding?"
"Macaroni bread?! No honey, I'm making raisin bread for tomorrow. I was coloring macaroni for the kids to make crafts. What the hell is that?!" Needless to say, after laughing our asses off, I told him "I'm blogging this!!" He protested, but what is marital bliss when you have a blog to fill?! Now, can anyone share the recipe for the macaroni bread?
Posted by
8/27/2005 05:35:00 PM
The Ball
Here are the pictures from the ball last night. One thing I learned upon uploading the pictures is not many people can work my camera properly, as proven by the blurry shots. Jake (my brother-in-law who is staying with us for a few weeks) did ok on the "pre-ball" shots, though I didn't realize at the time that the front door was open.
Us before leaving
Another shot of us, the pics don't do my dress justice, it was gorgeous!
The "Official Party" sat between those 2 screen, which displayed the unit crest. There was also a slideshow of the unit in Iraq, and a slideshow of the fallen soldiers from our unit. There was a beautiful tribute table for one, with an overturned wine glass, a pinch of salt, a slice of lemon, a slice of bread, a rose, and a candle. Each one represented something, like the salt is the tears shed by the soldier's family, the lemon is the bitterness of battle, the overturned glass is the soldier's inability to drink with us, etc. I'd list them all, but I can't remember the exact meanings, and don't want to screw it up. In front of the table was a stand with a rifle, boots, a helmet, and dogtags, honoring those lost.
This was our original table, we ended up moving (and be seated with a bunch of officers, can you say "out of place?") The weirdest thing, they set out the desserts before anything else, so by the time all of the cocktail hour, official stuff, and dinner was finished, the dessert was quite room tempurature. It was still yummy though.
This is one of the guys N works with, who was quite toasted by the time he captured us and demanded pictures for his mom. He was quite entertaining, and TALL!
It was a nice evening, we didn't really know anyone there, so we felt a bit out of place, but we got to dress up, and I met the people N will be working under. The man who he will be gunner for (he's high up on the chain, but damned if I remember how high) raved about N and his work ethic and assured me they will be promoting him ASAP. See, Nate gave up a rank to come back in, and every time we look at his uniform in the lower rank, it makes us see red. It's a money thing, sure, but mainly it's a respect thing, he worked hard to get to his positions, and had to sort of start over. Certainly not a problem, but it was nice to see his command acknowledge his hard work last night.
Posted by
8/27/2005 10:51:00 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
No title needed
I'm pretty dumbfounded by the addition of Walter Reed Army Medical Center to the BRAC list. For those of you not following this, the Base Realignment and Closure is working on closing some military installations, and moving divisions from one base to another. (Ft. Riley is slated for a big shake up in that, as well as Ft. Hood, where we call home) Anyway, a surprising addition added to the Pentagon's original list by the BRAC commission is Walter Reed. This is where soldiers go to rehab after war injuries, vets go for treatment, it's a MAJOR deal. That would be like closing the Mayo clinic or something, it's the best facility the military has. I simply cannot imgaine them closing it, considering how important this hospital is in military healthcare. I guess we'll wait and see, what else can we do?
Posted by
8/25/2005 10:46:00 PM
Fancy pants
We're getting all dolled up tomorrow to head to a military ball, for N's unit. It's actually the first formal event he and I have been to, so we're pretty excited. I'll be posting pictures this weekend, so y'all can see that we clean up pretty nice. **wink**
So... where the hell is everyone? What are y'all up to? The land o' blogs has been so quiet, I'm begining to wonder if everyone ran away without telling me. Do I need to send out the search party?
Posted by
8/25/2005 06:59:00 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Ok, so who is bringing the cheese? Because Maddie woke up with a serious case of the whines! Everything that comes out of her mouth is in that nasal-y whimpering voice, and makes me want to stick sharp objects into my eardrums. Pass the Motrin!
Posted by
8/24/2005 08:05:00 AM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
All domesticated and shit
I was putting on some shoes to go outside and smoke (Yes, Tish! I know I need to QUIT!! Love ya!!) and noticed something unusual. N's boots were yucky and dirty, not shined for work tomorrow. He's usually on top of such things, but has been feeling stressed lately, so maybe he forgot, or just doesn't care tonight. Either way, I want him to have nice shiny boots for the morning, so what's a gal to do? I decided to shine them myself. I've never shined boots before, and usually have him shine mine if they are looking a bit scuffed. Either way, I've seen him do it enough times to be able to figure it out, right? I mean how hard can this be?! Well, it wasn't very hard, but only god knows if I did it right or not. N will undoubtedly be grateful simply because I put in the effort, and he's appreciative like that. He is way too sweet to tell me if I totally screwed the pooch in my attempt, he'd rather grin and bear it than hurt my feelings. Still, they look better than they did.
Why am I babble-assing about shoe polish and the such? Well, one, because I can, and two, because I'm a total domestic. I love all things household, like crafts, and baking, and ironing my husband's uniforms. It's so un-pc to say that, but I do. I enjoy making my home and family look good. I was talking to Cori, and of course, this is one more thing we have in common. We're both in our 20s, yet we do "grandma" things like crochet and sew, and we could totally see ourselves in a 50's housewife role. I wasn't raised in a traditional household, I'm the child of a single mother, and later a blended family, step-dad and "half" siblings. I come from strong, self-sufficient women, but most of us have that Suzy homemaker side. My Aunt Susan taught me how to make pies (I need a refresher course next time I visit, as I've given up on my crusts), my Grammy taught me to make all kinds of cookies. I first learned to use a sewing machine on an old table model that my great-grandmom had. Now don't get me wrong, I don't serve my family like their butler and maid, and N will argue with me to no end about how it's not my JOB to iron his uniform, but when it's all said and done, it makes me happy. I'd like to think I've found the balance between equality and housewife, the balance of roles in a home. Perhaps it's because I am the "head" of some important areas (ie: finances), and not just the "little wife", that I can take pleasure in my homemaker role. In the opposite corner, my husband feels it is his duty to provide for our family, but if I'd LIKE to work, go to school, whatever, that is my option. We don't force roles on each other, and we split the ones no one wants. So, are you an independant wonder woman, or a domestic diva? Are you happy with your role, or would you love to switch places? What makes your hosuehold work? (sidenote to single parents: you take on ALL responsibility, and having been in your shoes, I tip my hat to you!!)
Posted by
8/23/2005 10:34:00 PM
Life is normal
Life is officially back to normal in the Insanity household, or as normal as can be expected. Run errands, care for kids, cook, clean, and so on. I've had headaches all week, which make for a cranky and unimaginative mommy, but things are moving along. The kids keep surprising me with stuff, like Shane telling me "Thank you for making dinner, Mommy!" without being prompted. Every once in a while they do something like that, and make me think they aren't total brats. (OK, I'm kidding, my kids are amazing little creatures, and I love them more than anything!) Still, it's nice when they are feeling generous with their compliments.
Today included a trip to the mall, as well as a haircut. Thankfully, the stylist was able to fix the not so great cut that I got last month, so I'm pretty happy about that. I'll post pictures later. I promise I'll come up with something more interesting to read soon, so I don't bore you to death. Oh, and a new look is coming, so stay tuned to see my gorgeous new digs!
Posted by
8/23/2005 05:47:00 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
As of right now, N is NOT deploying. I know this seems like a good thing, but he was supposed to leave in a few days, and was fully prepared to go (looking forward to the opportunity, actually) and they dropped a little wrench in the plans. By telling us "He's going, 110% sure of it" and then waiting until the final hours to change their minds, they have screwed us mentally and financially. We're pretty pissed about all of that. Regardless, thank you for your well wishes and concerns, it means a lot. Regularly scheduled blogging to follow.
Posted by
8/22/2005 01:31:00 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Just so everyone knows, I'm still alive, and well. (At least as well as I can be!) I'll be pretty scarce this week, N is leaving soon, I know y'all understand. If you pop in, don't forget to say "Hi!" or drop me an email, so I know you haven't forgotten about me!
Oh, and go say Hi to Cori, who is so glad to be amongst the bloggers!
Posted by
8/21/2005 10:30:00 AM
Friday, August 19, 2005
Self Portrait Friday!!
Todays theme is what gets you worked up, stressed out, worn out. I adore my family, but they sure can wear me out!! I may add another picture later of something else that wears me out, but right now I need to CLEAN! The in-laws are coming, the IN-LAWS ARE COMING! **wink** Go visit Katy, and see who else played SPF!
Posted by
8/19/2005 09:55:00 AM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Homestretch **UPDATED**
2 coats of gloss, and we're almost done. Not too bad, custom designed seating for 6 for under $200. I love having a handy husband!
The symbols on each chair are the Chinese (at least one version of Chinese) words for Happiness, Home, Love, Harmony, Family, and Peace. The ones no the table are Home and Family (left to right in the pic). I'm going to put a "key" of sorts with the english words on a painting to hang on the wall.
Posted by
8/18/2005 06:42:00 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Table and chairs
I decided I didn't want to unveil the table and chairs until they at least had some paint on them, because they just didn't look right bare. So, here's a shot of me putting some touch up on the chairs.
Here's a close up of the first chair I finished (well, not totally finished, but I got the phrase on there, it says Happiness) Each chair will have it's own phrase, in both Chinese and English.
Here is the table and 4 chairs, there are actually six, but I moved 2 into the kitchen so I could work. Didn't my husband do a wonderful job? I'm going to paint more Chinese symbols on the table, 2 large ones, but I haven't decided what to put yet. I'll post more pictures after everything is painted and laquered.
Posted by
8/17/2005 08:51:00 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Bag o' Socks
I bought some socks today. Nothing important about that, just a package of Hanes socks, because I need some more. I went to open the bag and noticed a zipper seal, like a storage baggie. Sure enough, at the top of the package, it says "Resealable!" Hmmm. Why in the hell would you need to reseal the bag of socks? Don't most normal people take the socks out, put them in their drawer, and throw the bag away?? Do some people actually put the socks back in the bag after weraing and washing them, so when you open their drawer there are little OCD baggies of clothes? WTF??
Posted by
8/16/2005 11:28:00 PM
Those of us who moved far from our hometowns know that home is where the heart is, but there are always things you miss about the place you were raised. We went to Nate's hometown in May, just before he re-enlisted. When he gets home from Iraq we're planning a trip to my hometown, (are you ready for this) he's never met my family before. So, I'd much prefer to go in the warm months, so we could go to the shore, and the festivals, and walk around Philly without freezing our asses off, but I'll settle for a winter trip if it means seeing my whole family, eating some good food, and showing N the things I hold dear from my childhood. So, I'm really excited, and feeling homesick just planning the trip. We're going to see my hometown, my family's business, the "Jersey Devil house" (if I can remember where it is and it's still there), the Franklin Institute, the Philadelphia Please Touch museum, maybe the Mummer's museum, Independance Hall, South Street, possibly a trip to NYC for the day, the Camden Aquarium (although I'm told they changed the name, probably because Camden is so damn scary), and some cheesesteaks, Tastykakes, and Wawa iced tea. Nate is really nervous about meeting my parents, although I don't know why, they're pretty cool people. I really can't wait to go, I haven't been since 2003, and that was for a funeral, so it'll be nice to take a relaxing trip. Anyone from the South Jersey area? Have any suggestions, things to see that I've forgotten (keeping in mind this will be very early springtime)? Where is your hometown? What are the things you would HAVE to do if showing someone around for the first time?
Posted by
8/16/2005 11:48:00 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
Someone has visited this site from the search "Girls pooping pantys pics". Why do you want to see something like tht? What the hell is wrong with you?? GO AWAY!
(Sadly, I'm #6 in that search, but it's because I wrote pantys instead of pants in a post.)
Posted by
8/15/2005 09:58:00 PM
As you know, this blogworld has it's own celebrities. There are the "untouchables" who never seem to comment on anyone's site, and the "popular kids" who are pretty famous yet still pop in to say "Hi!". Whenever one of them stops by this site I feel honored, as silly as that sounds. Even when the "celeb" is someone I talk to often, and consider a friend. So tell me, who do you think of as "big name" in the blogworld? Hell, if you want to dish you can tell me who you think is overrated, too. Do you dream of being a wlel known blogger, or just having your circle of blog friends? Come on... spill!
Posted by
8/15/2005 06:58:00 PM
Party on!!
In case you missed your invite (things do get lost in the mail, after all!) Cori is having a blogwarming party over at her new digs. Some *cough* non-technical difficulties caused her to shut down her old site, so now she's new and improved over at Chaos with Class. So, stop by and say "Hi!" and don't forget your gift! Post a comment telling her what you brought! Drinks and snacks provided!
Posted by
8/15/2005 03:40:00 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Marriage is good.
My husband is making me a dining room table and chairs. Like, taking wood, and making me a dining set. By himself. How cool is that? He really is such a doll, I'm doing an oriental theme in my dining room and he's making me the table I had in my mind, but couldn't find in stores. (at least, not in my price range) So. In. Love. I'll have pictures soon, it'll probably be finished tomorrow night, minus the decorative touches I need to paint on it. Life is good...
Posted by
8/14/2005 09:15:00 PM
The kids got their first training bike for their 3rd birthday in June. It's August, and they still cannot ride them. Why? Well, they cannot figure out the mechanics of pedaling. They never seemed to grasp the idea on their big wheels, and they still don't now. We're feeling pretty crappy that we can't even teach out kids to pedal a bike, so I'm wondering if any of you have some advice. How did you teach your kids to pedal a bike? Both of our kids push back on the pedals, braking the bike. They can push forward enough to get the pushing leg to the bottom, and then can't figure out how to push with the other leg. **sigh** Major frustration ensues.
Posted by
8/14/2005 12:38:00 PM
Friday, August 12, 2005
Self Portrait Friday!!
Katy chose "How I relax" as the theme for today's self portrait Friday...
Like Katy, I have the nasty habit of smoking, but it does relax me. Go ahead, start telling me how bad it is, I already know!!
I also like to relax at my computer with my trusty can of Coke. Notice the page loaded is the beautiful Katy's since I had to go find out the theme!!
Nate suggested I get a picture of me yelling at him, as he thinks that relaxes me. On the contrary, that's usually why I NEED to relax! Head on over and check out the other participants, and how they like to chill out.
Posted by
8/12/2005 11:14:00 AM
Um... I'm in trouble!!
Apparently, I'm going to hell in a handbasket, and I mean deep in the bowels of hell. Then again, this quiz bases off a believer's morals, so not only an I a non-believer (apparently that'll get you there too) but I am a bad, bad girl! Still, I have to say... lustful? Me? Violent? ME?? These are 2 things I would NOT use to describe myself, under any cirumstances! Bah... pass the sunscreen!
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Low Level 2 (Lustful) High Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Low Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very High Level 7 (Violent) Very High Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) High Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Moderate
Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test
Quick nod to Crouching Mommy, Hidden Laundry for this quiz.
Posted by
8/12/2005 09:42:00 AM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
A bit of explanation
I feel the need to "defend", for lack of a better word, my rant on a particular military blogger. Since many of my readers have military experience in one way or another, most of you can probably understand where I'm coming from. Let me say right now that I am NOT assuming the right to judge this soldier under the UCMJ, rather I'm simply pointing out the ways her writing could be construed under those laws. I do not judge this writer as a bad person, simply a lousy soldier, which is why I wrote my original post. To each his own, and I certainly do not expect anyone to change themselves based off my little opinions.
The military lives by different standards than civilians. Some people HATE it, and others, like me, adjust well. Even though I am not an enlisted soldier, I feel a certain pressure to handle myself in a manner becoming to a military spouse, because I reflect on my soldier and my family. Soldiers are bound by their own laws and justice system, and as you climb in rank the rules get tighter. Did you know that Officer's wives often have to attend "obedience school" to learn how to handle the unique stresses and situations that can arise? I mean, a General's wife can't be out acting a fool, its just unacceptable. Another part of being a spouse is protecting Operational Security (OPSEC). I cannot tell you the exact day my husband is leaving or coming home from a deployment, because it puts him and his fellow soldiers at risk. There are many situations where a misspoken word can cause major problems. As you can imagine this is even more important for the soldiers themselves.
A soldier is required to conduct themselves in a manner becoming to a US soldier at all times. While her venting in a public forum would actually fall under a general article (UCMJ Chapter X Article 134, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces), there are many offenses in the UCMJ that are outdated or rarely enforced. (Anyone remember my discussion on the regs against certain sexual acts??) I for one would not report such a behavior unless it was a clear break in OPSEC or other dangerous material. However, I do not support it. It is one thing to vent to your spouse, but a whole other to do it in a public forum.
These are the Army Values, the 7 values a soldier is sworn to uphold. You can decide for yourself whether they've been upheld or not. I encourage you to click the link, because it explains what these terms mean specifically to a soldier.
Selfless Service
Personal Courage
So, I'll say again, I have no opinion on the writer as a person, this was never meant to be a personal attack. I have discussed in length with a friend (and military spouse) both sides of this issue, and ultimately I stand by my opinion. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the desert. If you are ill the Army will release you, if you cannot do the job you should not sign up, and when conducting yourself in public you should behave in a proper and respectful manner.
**edited: I went back today to do a bit more research, because I firmly believe I should research properly before arguing something, but I've been banned from her site. This is fine with me, although I have never commented on her site or banned her from mine, it's just a first. (Well, except the accidental banning by Busy Mom LOL!)
Posted by
8/11/2005 01:47:00 PM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
25 Ways you know you are a military spouse
This piece was in Army Times a couple weeks ago. It hold very true to most military spouses, and gave me a good chuckle.
1. You yell at your kids saying, "Don't make me email your father!"
2. Your neighbors know you but have never seen your active-duty husband.
3. Your conversations are sprinkled with PCS, TAD, LES, etc., and you know what they mean.
4. You have had 8 address changes in 9 years and you are not on the run from the law.
5. The front hall closet of your home is designated as a uniform closet. (mine is!!)
6. Your spouse will be gone for 2 weeks from his job and you think, "Is that all? No problem."
7. The radiator blows up on the car and the washing machine dies just as your spouse leaves for temporary duty.
8. You aren't surprised when you get 4 days notice for a 4 month deployment.
9. You don't know your own Social Security number, but you know your spouses by heart. (I've forgotten mine plenty of times!!)
10. You are in a disagreement with a bill collector and say, "Let me speak to your commander!"
11. You spend your second wedding anniversary alone. (I'll be spending my first alone)
12. You move your day care business from one state to another and still have the same children enrolled.
13. You have a collection of different shapes, sizes, and colors of window treatments for the same room. (I make mine, and recently cut up old ones for other projects, since they couldn't be reused)
14. Your heart races when you hear the doorbell ring during a deployment.
15. You've done more oil changes and mowed more lawns than your spouse because he's never there to do it himself.
16. You remember milestones by duty stations.
17. All your kids, including your 2 yr old, stop what they are doing and put their hands over their hearts whenever they hear the national anthem.
18. You can sleep through the sounds of fighter planes and bombers during their morning practice.
19. You reach for your ID card when entering a civilian store.
20. You ask someone to hold on by saying, "Standby."
21. Your kids point at anyone wearing BDUs and boots, regardlessof race or gender and yell "Daddy!" or "Mommy!"
22. You tell the movers the correct way to pack.
23. You notice when Hollywood makes mistakes in portraying the military. (Big one here... hate that!)
24. Military homecomings on TV bring tears to your eyes because you can relate so well.
25. You start to read the Army Times in place of Cosmopolitan
Posted by
8/09/2005 09:49:00 PM
Final update on my rant
I received a call from the AAFES General Manager who was handling my customer service complaint. She let me know they had met with the manager of the food court, as well as the employee in question, and found that this was not the first incident, though it was the first brough to the GM's attention. She assured me disciplinary action was being taken, although she was not at liberty to discuss specifics, and that if I ever encountered a problem like this again I could contact her. She thanked me for bringing it to her attention, and my patronage. Again, I'll say she was quite a wonderful woman, polite and apologetic for the behavior of the employee. So, I guess I'll only know whether the woman was fired or not by keeping my eye out for her, but I think it's safe to assume if she isn't fired she'll certainly not cross a customer again.
Posted by
8/09/2005 10:06:00 AM
Monday, August 08, 2005
Hey, you! Yes YOU!! Why don't you comment on my Flickr albums? I know people look at them, but very few say anything. I'm a mom, and most of the pictures on there are my children. This means you should comment, say nice things, gush about how CUTE they are. We moms eat that up. No lurking!! Here or on Flickr!! Comment or else!
Posted by
8/08/2005 10:30:00 PM
Nothing to write. I am sooooo bored. How can I be bored you ask? Well, basically, N is gathering and preparing, and training, and whatnot, plus he has to go to sleep at a decent time, unlike yours truly who is a night owl. This means I depend on you, dear blogworld, to keep me entertained. You must be so busy with back to school shopping and crap, that you can't find time to entertain me either. So here I sit like a lonely puppy, hopping around the internet trying to find something to do. Yes, I'm sure I could find something to do offline, but dammit, there is only so much cleaning one can stand to do. Why don't you write pretty things for me anymore? Do you not love me? ** waaahhhhhh **
Ok, I'm kidding, I'm not heartbroken or anything. I'm really not *that* crazy!! I am a little pissed off, though it has nothing to do with y'all. It's my father-in-law actually (hi Mom!... my mother-in-law reads this site, I know this!) who has crossed me with some insensitive comments. Such is life, feelings get hurt, then we get over it. Then we ramble on our blogs about nothingness, because this IS 2005, you know!! Actually, I hear blogging (or maybe it's just the word "blogger") is now passe', but leave it to me to be behind on the trends. After all, all my friends live in my computer, and at least a couple people in this world think people on the internet aren't real. Didn't you know we're all actually elves living in a nice oak tree, tapping away at our keyboards? See?! Learn something new every day.
**I'm not sure this post will make any sense to anyone except me and Cori, but hey... y'all already knew I was weird!**
Posted by
8/08/2005 10:09:00 PM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Warm Fuzzies
I was upstairs cleaning out some of the junk in the kids room, and came downstairs for a break, to see this.
N swears he was "just resting his eyes", but we all know the truth. The kids NEVER lay down and fall asleep with me, but it's a common occurance with Daddy. Who can resist such cuteness??
Posted by
8/07/2005 09:43:00 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Crafts/Decor Update!
Here are some of the things I've finished up...
Pictures in the bedroom...
The bedroom curtains, the project that gave me the most hell (actually, they still need some fine tuning)... but the decorative rods (they have spears on the end)? Like 3 bucks at Big Lots. I LOVE a good deal, sespecially after spending an arm and a leg on the silver fabric for the scarf. Silver satin is not all that easy to find!
The decorated living room, or at least most of it...
And finally, the finished bench. N worked really hard to get this ready for me, we refinished it and made a new cushion.
I need to finish up a few more projects, but now that I'm getting to the end I'm anxious to find something else to do. You know, idle hands and all.
Posted by
8/06/2005 10:08:00 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Update on my rant
**In case I wasn't clear, for those of you who aren't military, the employees of our shops and restaraunts on post are civilian. Had this interaction been with a soldier, I would have simply marched into their command or first sergeant's office and discussed it with them. Being as she is civilian employed on post it's actually more difficult to demand action, but we're trying none the less.**
Nate and I have both spoken with the lady that oversees the food court, and she was at a loss for words over the behavior Mary exhibited. She assured us she plans on speaking with the manager, as well as Mary herself, and checking her record to see if this is recurring behavior. It's the first time it has ever been reported to her, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. She apologized up and down, and agreed there is simply no excuse for that treatment. When I told her she had no reason to apologize, it certainly wasn't HER fault, she said "Yes, but every one of our associates is supposed to be a representative of AAFES, and that is inexcusable behavior." So, she promised to call me tomorrow afternoon after she has investigated it a bit more, and assured me it would be taken care of. She also thanked me for my patronage and patience, which I appreciated. She was just pleasant and wonderful, a true business woman with class and manners. I'll update again tomorrow night on it.
Posted by
8/04/2005 04:17:00 PM
After my rant, I feel the need to share cuteness with you, (my life isn't all bitching and misery after all!)
I often ask the kids "Are you TRYING to drive Mommy crazy?!"
This has come back to bite me in the ass, as most things do. I told Maddie "No!" the other day, and she replied "Ugh!!! Mommy! You making my CRAZY!"
So, now, whenever she is irritated or hasn't gotten her diva-licious way, she tells the offender they "making my crazy!!" with an exasperated sigh and arm waving. I am terrifed of her teen years, she's gonna be hell in heels.
Posted by
8/04/2005 12:32:00 AM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Customer service....
First, let me thank all of you for your kind thoughts and prayers for our family. It means the world to me that people can be so caring and supportive.
Now, you're in for one of my famous (infamous??) rants. Those of you who know me well know that poor customer service is my pet peeve. I've worked too many jobs dealing directly with customers to have any patience for bullshit and rudeness. Today we decided to go to the PX (post exchange) for dinner and ice cream. We chose Charley's Steaks ("cheesesteak" place, but remember I grew up near Philly, so I say that loosely) and proceeded to the counter. One kid was working the counter, and food area, while a couple other employees were in the back. This kid really didn't seem to know what he was doing, and was incredibly slow with the order in front of us. The soldier in front of us paid for his order, and the kid working took the money, gloves still on. I see this, mention it to Nate, and decide to watch to see if the kid then handles food with the same gloves. He's also wiping at his brow, and touching his face with them on. By this point the other employees come out, and one starts working the grill. Her nametag says she's a supervisor, so I continue watching the food prep area. **sidenote: my family owns a deli, I worked in it from age 12 to 16. I've also worked as a waitress, and had my permit to handle food and alcohol in Texas and Florida My mom worked in food service for 20 years. I know food service, and proper food handling WELL** Anyway, I watch as I place my order, and the kid rings it up, still wearing the same gloves. He goes to put some more fries in the fryer, and I interrupt, and let him know he needs to change his gloves. He stutters and argues for a second, and the supervisor tells him not to argue. At this point N is standing in front of her at the grill, and I'm still at the register. N comes over and tells me we're about to leave, because the supervisor is talking smack. I tell him it's fine, and go to pay. As I'm paying, I tell the kid that it was nothing personal, I've made mistakes handling food, sometimes you just forget. At this point the supervisor says "Goddamn, I told him to change his gloves, do we need to keep talking about it??" I let that slide as well, because we're all hungry, lets just get our food and go. I'm waiting on the chicken for the kids, and notice we're short 2 fries and our drinks, I let her know he forgot to hand them to me, and she snaps "He DIDN't forget, they're right there" and points at fries in the fryer. Whatever, I tell N to get our cups, and he tells me to go sit down with the kids. We sat halfway across the very large food court, and proceeded to eat. At this point I hear the supervisor LOUDLY mouthing off, cussing, complaining, etc. I can hear every word from 40 or 50 feet away, and I'm getting irritated. She's telling some friends in line that she can't get fired, they've been trying to fire her and can't, and it's hot outside, then she's working a hot grill, and she's cranky and doesn't give a fuck, she's going off on everyone, etc. Very professional, let me tell you. Well, N tells me she said (in front of him) "It's bitches like that that make me want to smack them." Now we are getting really pissed off, because we paid good money for mediocre food and are being treated like shit. We can hear her telling her friends, "The bitch complains and I told him to take his gloves off... It's no big deal, nothing is gonna happen." N finishes his food and decided to go complain to the PX customer service desk about her. I stopped and asked a busser who we would direct a complaint to about a food court employee. She sees me talking to him, and immediately calls him over, then loudly starts calling me names and bragging that nothing is going to happen. Ok... had enough. I get up, walk over and chew her ass, she's supposed to be a supervisor, an example to the employees, and I hadn't made an unreasonable request. She calls me a liar, and says I've done nothing but complain since I got in line, we're basically shouting at each other. 3 soldiers in uniform are waiting to order at this point, while the other 2 employees stand there gawking. One of the soldiers finally spoke up just as the customer service manager walked up, asking if he could place his order now. She walks in the back to speak to the CS manager, and I apologized to the soldiers for holding up their meals. I had let the CS manager know I expected an apology for her behavior, so I went to help the kids with the rest of their meal. Finally, the CS manager comes out and tells me the supervisor will not apologize, but CS is actually not who is over the food court, so she gave me the number of the lady who is. She apologizes, and reassures us we will be able to reach the lady tomorrow in her office. She walks away and N tells me the moment he said "I'd like to complain about a food court employee", the customer service manager said "Let me guess, Mary, right?" So apparently we aren't the only ones. Ok, fine. It's been 30 minutes of listening to the rude supervisor run her mouth to everyone in sight about me and my bitchiness. We tell the kids to hurry up and finish, we're scrapping the promised ice cream, before we lose control on this woman. She continued to talk shit for the remainder of the time we were there, 45 minutes total of her disrespect and loud bitching. All because I asked an employee to change the contaminated gloves he had on. I'm SO unreasonable sometimes! What a bitch for not wanting germs in my kids food! So, for the first time in my life, I am going to demand someone be dismissed from their job. We'll be filing a complaint in the AM, and if the lady is not fired, I'll continue to complain up the chain until she is. I have never been treated so poorly by an employee, and the fact that she behaved like a ghetto ass crackhead (looked like one, too) for 45 freaking minutes is unacceptable. Had she come out and apologized as asked I would have dropped it, and simply never eaten there again, but that was too difficult for her. So, I'll have to post later about the phone calls and whether she is still employed there or not.
Posted by
8/03/2005 11:39:00 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Breaking news
We found out today that N is going to Iraq, in the next few weeks. We don't have "normal" time to prepare, because he is meeting up with troops already there, but the upside is he will not being doing a full year tour. This means that for the next few weeks I may be sporadic in posting, because obviously we need to make the most of this time. I will still be checking in, but you won't see me around as much. We'd appreciate everyone keeping our families in their thoughts and prayers, as well as all of the other US soldiers abroad. Thank you!
Posted by
8/02/2005 11:57:00 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
Mission: Cheap
I have an enemy, it's name is retail. I hate retail prices, it pains me to pay them, no matter how much money we have. Why? Well, why pay retail if I don't have to?! So, I loves me some thrift shops. I love yard sales too, although with gas prices, my aversion to mornings, and the fact that people start sales on Thursday here (WTF is that? Some people have stuff to do during the week!!) I haven't made it out in a long time. Anyway, there is a disabled veterans thrift store in town, and while most of it is junk, some of it older than me, there are good deals to be found. 3 gorgeous vases for 50 cents a piece. 2 plain leather belts for 25 cents a piece. 2 cute brown leather purses for 50 cents a piece, this one made me particularly happy since I can't even find purses I like in retail stores. Ask N, my purse shopping is a serious ordeal! Anyway, I digress... I like buying something cheap, and making it look great. Sometimes it's as easy as a dishwasher (for the vases), or a magic eraser (the greatest invention EVER), or maybe a little bit of leather cleaner, which I already have. Of course, buying cheap doesn't mean used. Hobby Lobby had HUGE sales in July, and I've decorated most of my house on just a couple hundred dollars. I'm talking art, beautiful frames, accent pieces, etc, they were all 50% or more off, and who can resist? A good deal makes me smile, and I could occupy a whole day just looking for that perfect piece at that perfect price. Some of my friends do not have the patience for it, or have just never tried. I'm trying to convert them to the wonders of being "frugal". I mean HELLO?! This purse
for 50 cents?! Who can resist? So spill, are you a retail gal, or a cheapskate chica? Do thrift stores and yard sales make you giddy, or grumpy? What's your best find?
Posted by
8/01/2005 04:01:00 PM