I hadn't been in my house 10 minutes tonight when the MP investigators were knocking at my door. They are looking to violate asshat on his bail, and a few other things, as well as telling me to get a restraining order so he'll have to hand over his handgun. I found his site, and his girlfriend's, which were created with the sole purpose of bashing me. It's funny, because they claim I denied being married (albeit separated) and dating someone else. And they are so certain I'm not single, I'm lying to all of you to get sympathy, and I've made up all of the harassment stuff. So, I'm amused by their hypocritical crap, and how absolutely ridiculous they are. I've wasted enough of my site's space on him, I'll only be posting on him from here on out if there is a major change.
So, today was a rather strange day. Every manager freaks out on the last day of the month, because we have quotas that have to be met. This month, I was done already, so I spent part of the day at the dentist, and the other part just doing random stuff. I have a to-do list sitting on my desk for tomorrow, to tie up loose ends before the weekend, but really, I was one of the only relaxed people around today. The pain meds didn't hurt, I'm sure, everyone kept commenting on my good mood, which may have been affected by the painkillers the dentist had given me.
I'm really happy with most of my life right now. I certainly wish the drama with my ex was over, and justice was served there, and of course, I'm still a bit heartbroken over B, but in general life isn't so bad. A week or so ago I couldn't say that, but I've realized this week that I have good friends, a good job, 2 healthy kids, and the basic things I need in life. That's not such a bad deal.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Posted by
2/28/2007 08:19:00 PM
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
And that's done...
I just went through over 275 post that had tags on them that would be easily Googled. I'm SO glad that the tags weren't on all of my posts, because I'm nearing 1K. In the meantime, my new digs may not be as nice as my old ones, and my sidebar is sadly bare, but it will have to do for now. My privacy was being violated, and I was getting cruel and harassing comments thanks to my soon-to-be-ex-husband. I'll be re-vamping the site soon, and hopefully now that I'm not censoring myself, I'll be posting more. In the meantime, I never got to post pictures of my first NASCAR race, because I didn't want to piss the STBEH off. I got to attend the Kansas City race last October, and sit 12 rows off turn 4. It was an awesome time, Kasey was on the pole, although he spun out right in front of us with about 6 laps to go. I even got to drag B's Yankee ass along, to everyone's surprise.
Jeff Gordon being pushed behind the wall
The starting line, pre-race
Dale Jr walking to his racecar
Kasey on the pole!
Posted by
2/27/2007 10:47:00 PM
Monday, February 26, 2007
Just an update *edited*
You'll notice that the comments by my ex-husband (and people claiming to just be posting from his house, apparently he has lots of roommates, or multiple personalities) have been deleted. His IP address has also been banned, since there are already pending harassment charges against the moron who doesn't understand the concept of "Don't contact me." I am working with his unit and the military police to stop the harassment, but I am likely moving my site to another address soon. If I decide to do so, you will need to email me for the link, or leave a comment here with your email address letting me know you would like the new link. I apologize for that inconvenience, and hope those of you who I've gotten to know here will continue to read my new site.
The definition of harassment, for those too stupid to understand it.
**Edited: If you post an anonymous comment, regardless of content, it will be deleted. I'm tired of this bullshit. And to the anon who left the comment about me having a boyfriend, actually, I do not, I'm quite single. You're buddy Nate, however, has been seeing a pothead named Courtney for quite some time, and is screwing around with a few other people. So before you attack me, get the facts right. And if you have something to say about my parenting, say it to my face. You obviously know enough about me to know where I live, so you are welcome to be an adult and stand behind your words. Otherwise, don't bother, because your comments will not be approved on this site.
Posted by
2/26/2007 07:14:00 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Drama, Drama, Drama
My life is full of it, never a dull moment. It's getting old, and god knows I'll be glad to be rid of it. No wonder I'm so exhausted, who wouldnt be? But, I have some wonderful friends, both IRL, and online, that have been so great, so concerning, and for that I'm grateful.
Tonight was one of those mommy moments that made me feel like maybe I can do this after all. The power went out on the whole block during story time. My best friend lives a street away, and called to see if it was the whole neighborhood, which it was. The kids had opened all of the glowsticks I had for power outages, so it was emergency candles and my cell phone to light the way. My son was distraught, he's afraid of the dark, so I crawled into bed with him, and my princess on the other side of me, and we all fell asleep. Every once in a while, they are so cute it makes me think I might survive parenthood.
Again, please go to MajorDad's, and contribute to this very worthy cause. If you doubt for one moment the importance behind this fund, take a look at the conditions in Walter Reed, the most prestigious name in Army medicine, and how many of our soldiers leave medical care with the bare minimum of tools needed to survive after their war injuries.
Posted by
2/24/2007 10:05:00 PM
Hey, I'm alive!!
I'm recovering, and am able to actually have some kind of social life now, as well as get my house together, and spend time with my kids other than laying on the couch while they watch movies. That's a vast improvement.
I just found out one of my good friends had an emergency appendectomy in Kuwait. Poor thing, she's had the worst year, a broken foot that took the better part of a year to heal, then as soon as she was cleared to start running again, a broken toe. Then, just before she headed north into Iraq, wakes up with appendicitis. Yuck!! But she's fine, as far as I can tell, and will be back in action in a couple weeks. I think all of the Catholic medallions her roommate has might be better served handed over to her! His family had a medallion for just about every Saint who is remotely involved with military or dangerous work blessed and sent to him, to the point that he joked he couldn't accept any more, he'd be weighted down by religion. Pass those along to Meegs, B, she needs all the protection she can get!
On that note, head over to MajorDad's and DONATE to the Soldier's Angels fund. They provide voice activated laptops for soldiers who have lost the use of their hands. I only ask y'all to donate to a case about once a year, so take a moment, be generous, and make a difference in the lives of soldiers who made a huge sacrifice for your freedoms.
Posted by
2/24/2007 08:26:00 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I'm pretty much still out of commission, becuase I'm more exhausted than I ever thought possible, and that includes having twin infants. Other than trying to sleep every chance I get, I've been working my ass off to get caught up, and dealing with a bunch of other drama in life. Nothing too interesting to write about. The kids are doing well, keeping me on my toes as usual.
How about some news? Marcia Cross (Bree Van DeKamp on Desperate Housewives) gave birth to twin girls. They weren't due until April, but are reported to be doing fine. Hopefully she'll be back on the show soon. Of course, we all know CrazyBritney shaved her head and checked into rehab again, then out again. Apparently, rehab is a one day process. There is still a ton of violence in Iraq, particularly Baghdad, which scares the hell out of me since a lot of my friends will be in Baghdad soon. The KS senate passed an anti-picketing law for funerals, in response to the asshat church whose members were protesting at military funerals. The world's youngest preemie went home, born at just under 22 weeks gestation. So, there you go, caught up on news for now.
Posted by
2/21/2007 07:09:00 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm doing somewhat better tonight, thanks to lots of pain meds, antibiotics, and anti-nausea medication. Of course, being completely knocked out on the pain meds, the kids took full advantage of my state, and destroyed the house. I am really NOT looking forward to all of the cleaning it will take just to get the house acceptable. In the meantime, I'm just watching Entourage, and having crazy "morphine dreams". (I'm not actually on morphine anymore, but the crazy dreams still persist.)
Posted by
2/12/2007 04:47:00 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
This post is brought to you by the letter "K"...
K is for "kidneys". Mine are infected. Let's talk about how much fun THAT is. I'd been having back pain for about a week, but assumed it was just a pinched nerve or something. I never put 2 and 2 together that it got worse when I drank alcohol Thursday night, because that night I couldn't sleep, and chalked it up to stress over my friends' deployment. So, I went out last night, had a couple drinks, let a friend of mine sleep on my couch, and went to bed. I woke up in so much pain I couldn't breathe, ended up calling Tassi into my room to help me, and having to call 911. Luckily, the kids were at the sitters, because I ended up being taken to the ER, having all kinds of tests run, getting morphine, and zonking out. They were going to admit me, then decided to treat me outpatient, as long as I can keep my fever and pain under control. Not sure how well that's going to work, because I have a fever and pain again tonight. This bites.
Posted by
2/11/2007 07:40:00 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Who do I have to kill...
To get some GD Sudafed. The REAL kind, not the PE crap they sell now. I had some that a friend of mine got at sick call (so they still make it, because the Army hands it out), and it's the only thing that has allowed me to breathe in days, but I'm out. So, I go to my trusty PX, because it's the closest thing that is open, and NO GO. All of the pharmacies that keep it behind the counter and require a DNA sample to obtain a single dose are closed, so I'll be suffering through without it. Stupid M(=th heads, I REALLY hate your drugg!e asses for making this wonderful medicine so impossible to obtain.
Posted by
2/10/2007 06:10:00 PM
We Were Soldiers... Once and Young
I had watched "We Were Soldiers" shortly before my first husband was deployed to Iraq with the 4th Infantry Division at the beginning of the Iraq conflict/war/disaster-in-the-making. I remember crying my eyes out, thinking about what our soldiers faced heading into this hellish battle, in a country that resents our presence, and praying to every god in the universe that I wouldn't have to bury anyone I cared about. Over the past 4 years, I've done this more times than I can count, and rarely have I had to lay a friend to rest. I've been lucky. Why am I bringing this up? Because once again, my friends have departed for the middle east, and I'm watching that same movie, praying that each of them make it home safe. For the first time, I wish I was going with them, I wish I was fighting along side them, because at least if I were there I wouldn't be sitting here feeling helpless. Miss you guys, I can't wait to be buying rounds at Porter's next year. Be safe.
Posted by
2/10/2007 01:17:00 AM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
It's like the black hole of the internet, you can't help but get sucked in! I just lost an hour of my life to that damn site, watching some stupid videos made by a couple of roommates in NYC. How does that happen? I originally went there to see Paula Abdul's drunk interviews, since I missed them, and was tired of hearing about them, and after an hour had to force myself to leave the page. It's a good thing YouTube is banned at work, or I'd never get anything done!!
Posted by
2/04/2007 09:05:00 PM