I'm still not really doing anything write-able. Honestly, this blog has pretty much seen it's last days, there was a point in time where I had a bunch of regular readers, and now I have only a couple that stop by once in a while, thanks to my lack of writing and having to move my site because of the ex. I may just wait and see if the urge to write comes back, but I make no promises. I hope everyone is doing well, one of these days I'll log into bloglines, stop by, and catch up.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Posted by
4/20/2007 05:16:00 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I hate moving!!
I'm so tired of moving it's not even funny. And I get to do it all over again in 6 months! Ugh!!! The house we moved into has very little storage space, something my old house had plenty of, so I've tossed/donated/given away a ton of stuff, with more to go. Of course, it couldn't go smoothly, I can't get DirecTV installed at the new house, because there is no direct line of sight. Now I have to cancel my contract and sign up for cable, and I have no TV for Sopranos and Entourage tonight. I'll be watching it at a friend's house, provided I get the rest of the cleaning and moving finished.
On the relationship front, my ex-boyf has officially pissed me off. We've been on good terms through the break-up, and I've desperately wanted to keep our friendship together. It's kinda hard to do so when someone is constantly acting like the world revolves around him. I'm done caring so much for someone who cares so little for me, it's not worth it... The sad thing is my friends have been trying for months to point out that obvious fact, and I refused to see it. *sigh* Otherwise, life is good, I'm stressed out, but have been enjoying spending time with friends and I'm so ready for summer.
Posted by
4/15/2007 09:23:00 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I watched Jackass 2 last night, and I have to admit I have a huge crush on Bam Margera. Of course, I was watching it with a friend who was quick to point out that Bam got married. Still, those eyes... so gorgeous!!!
On a separate celebrity note, it's no big secret that I'm a huge fan of Dave Matthews Band. There is another manager at work that is also a huge fan, has seen more shows than I have, has about a million t-shirts, etc. We have a competition between our teams for stats, and I joked that I would bet him tickets to the next show. Well, I had missed the Warehouse announcement, they scheduled an August show in KS, the only one in this area. He told me just in time to go onto Warehouse and reserve my tickets before the early reserve period ended. Anyway, he brought a huge CD book to my office a few minutes ago, and it is filled with possibly the best collection of DMB EVER. I want this book!!!!
Ok, that is all.
Posted by
4/12/2007 11:14:00 AM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
It was funny though, because we all work together, and the husband is actually one of my employees. They have great kids, all girls, and had been threatening them all week long with my presence, as in "You'd better clean up this house, Daddy's boss is coming over!!!" You gotta love that, I know I'd use it if given the chance. (Mental note: make plans to hang out with Jerry.)
Today was a ridiculous day at work. My team is great, we always have a good time, but on holidays there are often long periods of availability (no calls coming in) that leave us to entertain each other. This can be dangerous, and today it included people walking into walls, falling on the floor, laughing until we cried, and just generally acting quite unprofessional. I'm glad senior management is not in the building on weekends.
Last, I watched the season premier of Entourage, and will watch The Sopranos in and hour and a half (HBO west is great, since Sopranos and Desperate Housewives are conflicting on the DVR). I'm so hooked on all 3 shows, I can't believe Sopranos is ending! After this, it'll be hard to convince myself to pay for HBO just to see Entourage, no matter how much I love the show. Mmmmm, Adrian Grenier.
Posted by
4/08/2007 08:24:00 PM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Sorry for the hiatus, it's been insane here. My ex-husband was sentenced to prison, reduced in rank and pay while in prison, and a bad conduct discharge, so things are finally over with that hellacious experience. Honestly, I look back through my archives, and see happy times, a person who was not the man I faced in court last week. It's depressing, because he had me so fooled, had so many people fooled. I spent a total of 21 hours over 2 days at his court martial, testifying multiple times and having to defend my credibility in front of senior-ranking officers. I'm glad it's over.
Life is busy here, the kids are still giving me a run for my money. We were on the way to the grocery store today when Madison said she wanted her black blanket. I told her no, it was at home, to which I got a resounding "Duuuhhhh!!!" Wait a minute. You're FOUR, you're not allowed to have that attitude! That kid is going to give me grey hair.
My laptop is screwed up, it's currently with a co-worker who does IT work, I'm hoping he can retrieve my data off of it if it needs to be formatted. There are all kinds of pictures on there that cannot be replaced, and I was too dumb to back up. I feel so naked without my laptop!!
Well, I need to get ready for a get-together with some friends, and get my house cleaned up. Fun stuff, I'm telling you... never a dull moment.
Posted by
4/07/2007 02:32:00 PM