One thing is for sure folks... I know my children. Exactly like I expected, they used Daddy being on shift as an excuse to act like wild chimps. My dear friend Tink has recommended a book to help me get them under control. You see, I don't have bad kids, they just don't listen to ME! Mom is a pushover, and they take advantage of it. Well, no mas! I am going to demand the respect I deserve as the person directly responsible for bringing them into this world. I'll let you know Thursday night if my new plan is working. I only know I will not be hog-tied and taunted by them when the new regime is in place because of my size. Unfortunately for them, I am still much bigger and stronger. So I guess for me that means I need to bring them into compliance now, before they get big enough to overpower me. Come on, how hard can this be?? I have 20 years of experience over them... they're just little kids right? RIGHT?! Can I get some moral support here?!
Let me tell you about my day. Actually, you have no choice if you are reading this, because it's my blog, and I can talk about whatever I want! (Sorry about that, I just needed to feel in control for a minute!) Well, they slept in, and I let them, because I *knew* they had no intentions of napping later. We had a successful potty day, only 1 accident, and that was due to an upset tummy. Things are good for a while, then the late afternoon brings a horrible case of the crankies. A walks outside barefoot, and with no pants on. I tell him to come back in the house right this minute, which prompts him to laugh at me. Yes, you read that right, my 2 year old son laughed at me. B is following her brother, because it seems like a fun thing to do. I'm on the phone with N during this, who is trying to assist me in getting them corralled without any violent tantrums. I finally convince B to come in, and drag A in kicking and screaming. All the while I'm barefoot, and mad I had to walk on the rocks to get A. Back to back tantrums follow this incident, incited by every move and command I give. A goes potty, but doesn't want to get off the potty. I know he is done, but to him it seems fun to sit on the potty and stuff toilet paper down it. I am not interested in plunging the toilet again, so I drag him off the potty. Tantrum. I won't let them stand on their little trikes. Tantrum. B is about to strangle the new kitten, and I step in on Callie's behalf. Tantrum. Are you seeing the pattern here? Do I have any volunteers to baby sit yet?? Come on, you know you want to! We take dinner to Daddy, and they are both angels during our visit. Come home, after stern warnings from Daddy to behave and be nice to Mommy. Get ready for bed... you guessed it... TANTRUM!!!! Now, at 1 am, they have been asleep for about an hour, and I'm trying to figure out where to submit my 2 week notice. Love them to death, but Mommy is about to start Toddler Boot Camp for them!
On a completely separate note... if you are American, and reading this, GO VOTE!!! NOW!!!! I won't even tell you who you should vote for (Kerry :) ) Just go do it!!!!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Exactly as planned...
Posted by
11/02/2004 12:54:00 AM
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