This is the beginning of a rant, on all the random crap that bugs me, in no particular order. Why? Because my kids are taking a nap, and I'm BORED!!! Nothing to do, N is busy cutting and burning anything that has ever grown in our yard, and I have nothing to do. Oh, and this is *my* blog, so I'll rant if I want to!! (Picture me sticking my tongue out here, in a nanny nanny boo BOO!) So starts my crazy ranting lunacy!
Dust, let's talk about dust. Particularly TX dust. I'm not a Texan, I grew up in South Jersey, and I now believe Texas is THE DUSTIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!! I could dust and vacuum every day, and yet there will be a fine coating of fuzzy little bust bunnies when I wake up. It has happened in every house I've lived in here, so it cannot be blamed on anything other than TX. Right now my Dell is covered in it, my lampshades look grey, my ceiling fans are atrocious, and all have been recently cleaned. WHY? Why is this God-forsaken place so DUSTY?
Next, let's talk about Sprint. I hate Sprint. I would never again use a Sprint product if they did not have a monopoly in this area on home phones. For the longest time I didn't have a home phone, only cells, but I now live in the 'Docks, and the cells don't work here. Sprint has the WORST customer service, crappy product (both home and PCS suck, and don't get me started on this POS Earthlink DSL!), and high prices. All around, it's safe to say they are one of the worst businesses I've ever had the misfortune of paying. If you ever have the option, don't go with Sprint, just trust me on this!
One of my least favorite things to do, and one I procrastinate on immesely is filing. I would probably make a poor secretary. I have a large stack of papers and invoices that need to be filed, and I will put them off as long as humanly possible. N is a neat freak, so I'm sure this drives him batty, but he is seemingly incapable of filing things as well, so has no room to talk.
Wow, I must be really bored, because those are the only things I can think to bitch about right now. Oh, wait, I do have something to do (besides file the damn papers!) and I'm sure you'll understand without my ranting. Call the insurance company!! Enough said, right?? Wish me luck... And who knows... Maybe I'll have fun "war stories" when I get off the phone!!!
Friday, December 10, 2004
Does she ever shut up??
Posted by
12/10/2004 12:39:00 PM
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