To anyone who spams comments in order to get more visitors to your site:
This is a pet peeve of mine. I will absolutely visit your site if you comment on my blog with something other than a phish for visitors!! If your site is good, I'll recommend it, which if you read mine you'll notice. However, if you post a comment with something stupid in blog wh*re fashion (only Genuine can really get away with that... he does it so well!), I will NOT visit your site, and will remove your comment. Just make the crazy lady happy and say something useful! I promise your time will be rewarded with visits, and possibly a link to your site! If this is too much work, join Blogexplosion to get hits... it's FREE!
Ok, so this is the last time I'll bore everyone with this topic. If you have a cool blog, please do comment on mine... I am officially a blog addict, and LOVE finding new and interesting ones to read!
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Posted by
12/18/2004 11:10:00 PM
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