I'm not an insomniac, I'm a night owl. There is a distinct difference. Insomniacs cannot sleep, but I have no trouble sleeping at all. It's just WHEN I sleep that is the issue. I'd be perfectly content to sleep from 4 am to noon, but the world doesn't function on that schedule. Tonight is a different story. I can't sleep. (Kinda makes me wonder if I haven't got the Christmas spirit after all!) N is at work, but will be home in the next couple of hours, and I'll get a rash of shit for not going to bed. Poor guy, he can't drag my butt up in the morning regardless of what time I go to sleep. When I *have* to get up before 9, he ends up taking bodily harm for waking me, and yet he still loves me. Luckily, I have sleepy head kids too, and a hubby who spent so much time in the Army he doesn't have any trouble waking. Anyway, my point is I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight, luckily it's almost morning anyway. I'll probably be the only parent in history to be eagerly waking their kids up instead of vice versa. Maybe I really should cut back on caffeine (as I sip my Coke), but what fun would that be??
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Oh, sleep... why do you forsake me?
Posted by
12/25/2004 02:12:00 AM
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