Ok, I realize twins are not an everyday thing. About 1 in every 80 births is the result of a twin pregnancy. (those stats can vary, but you get the point) However, I don't understand the things people say when they stumble upon a set of twins. I've had reasonable questions, and then I've had questions that make it hard not to stare at the person oddly. I'm not opposed to you asking me a question, should you stumble upon us in the store. However, I'm going to put out a few facts, and also some guidelines you should use when asking about multiples. :) Let me say, that this is not meant to be mean... Just as I know the questions I field are not ill-intended!
Not all twins (or higher order multiples, but I'll use twins) must be identical, nor do they need be same sex. It is entirely possible to have boy/girl twins, I'm not just pulling your leg. Please don't argue this fact, especially when you work in a medical field. You'll look silly if you do.
Not all twin pregnancies result from fertility treatment. Even if they do, it is VERY rude to ask a woman if she took fertility drugs. I did not, but I cannot imagine how a woman who did would feel when asked that! No ones business!
Just because I had a boy and a girl doesn't mean I'm never having another child. I was 19 when I had my kids, and they make me happy, but this isn't China... I can have an ARMY of kids if I want, and having the storybook boy and girl dosen't automatically tie my tube! (this is probably the most common comment)
Those are the three biggest... As far as general questions. A friend of mine has twins a few months older than mine, and she gets those all the time as well! Here are a few others that made me laugh.
"Oh two boys??" when my daughter was dressed in all pink with her ears pierced. Um, yeah... boys! I just REALLY wanted a daughter so...
"Is having twins harder than having one baby?" I've got NO clue... twins is all I've ever had! Ask me again when I have just one baby. (But if I'd have to guess I'd say probably... it's just normal to me)
"How did YOU carry twins?!" (in a very accusing tone, because I'm pretty small) Dunno. I have the stretch marks to prove I really did though... you wanna see? I can prove I didn't steal them!
And my ultimate... I was shopping in the mall when the kids were about 4 months old. I was pushing the twin stroller... the kids had "matching" outfits, but one blue, one pink. A lady asks me "Are they both yours?" "yes Ma'am" "HOW MANY MONTHS APART ARE THEY?" ( huh?!?! ) "2 minutes... they are twins." (insert the most confuse look EVER from this woman)
So friends I rant about this not just to bitch... but to inform. Because after 3 years of this, I'm losing faith in my fellow citizens' common sense. *** END RANT***
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Posted by
12/16/2004 11:02:00 PM
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