Tonight I'm not feeling very creative, but I'm really enjoying the stuff other bloggers are writing. So, I'm going to write some related posts, sharing the twisted fun of my own stories with you. (Trackback much?) First up? The Sarcastic Journalist. If you aren't reading her blog, you should be... she's damn funny. She is having boob issues, and since she is still breastfeeding, the trips to the doctors are always fun. So... my most embarassing breastfeeding moment!
When I was still breastfeeding the twins, you can just imagine how HUGE my boobs were. Any mom who nursed can tell you how leaks will pop up at the worst possible time. Every Saturday, my best friend Amy and I would leave the kids with the hubbies, and go grocery shopping. I know, I know... it's lame, but it was a nice break for us! We always went to the commissary on Ft. Hood, which means going through a checkpoint with soldiers checking IDs. As we are pulling up to said gate, I'm driving, and don't pay any attention to the tingle in my chest telling me it's time to whip out the milk jugs. Well, I'm rolling down my window, and turn to Amy for her ID when she says "Um, Crys... you have a problem!!" (She's nursing at this point too, so at least there is sympathy) My red tank top now has 2 saucer size wet spots on the girls, making it look like a wet t shirt contest during a drought. Well, if you have never tried to drive through a checkpoint with your arms folded across your chest, you haven't lived. Even better? We were pulled to the side for a random spot check, meaning I have to get out of my car, open all doors, the trunk, and the hood, then stand there while 3 soldiers inspect my car for bombs or terrorists. Thank God Ft. Hood was protected from my leaky jugs, the could have put an eye out!
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
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1/18/2005 07:25:00 PM
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