Genuine jinxed me. Damn you, G! He blogged about his case of the Mondays this morning, and how Murphy's Law rules in his house. Well, my day started out decent enough, but oh, the disasters that struck this evening!! Both kids decided to forgo the potty after dinner, and wet their pants. Grrr. No huge deal yet, just annoying. Then, while I was in the bathroom washing off my makeup, all of 3 minutes tops, all hell broke loose. Shane decided to go #2 in his pants, and then shove the pants under the kitchen table. Madison noticed the pitcher of apple juice I had just made, and decided to pull it onto the floor. I walk into my kitchen to find a flood of apple goodness on my freshly mopped floors, Shane with poop all over his legs and rear, and a "surprise" under the table. Nice. Really, really nice. Needless to say I'm not entertained, the kids have been bathed, the floor re-mopped, the laundry washed, but my floors will be sticky for at least a week, and I think I sprouted my first grey hair.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Posted by
1/31/2005 05:51:00 PM
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