I like to sleep. A lot. As you may know, if you've read the last week's worth of posts, I'm not sleeping, and unhappy about it. Since I'm sick I bought some Nyquil, and hopefully will pass out in about 10 minutes. Until then I'll entertain you with a description of an average night with a sleeping crazy woman.
N is working nights right now, and gets home about 6:30 am. We have a queen sized bed that I like to sprawl out on when alone. As in I'll lay diagonally just to maximize my sprawling. N is no small guy so he usually needs me to move in order to lay down and get some sleep. He's known since the early stages of our relationship that I'm just not a damn morning person. As in you should wear a football helmet and pads when waking me, and poking me with a stick seems completely reasonable. Everyone knows not to call before 9 am, and God forbid we have an early appointment. Anyway, with N on the night shift, it gets tricky.
N-"Baby, I'm home..."
C (with head spinning and red eyes)-"I don't ******* care, leave me the **** alone." (commence spastic flailing of arms and legs)
N- "Ok, I Love you too!"
(N tries to get into bed, braces himself for at least a couple elbows flying into him as I'm nudged over)
Later, when told of these antics, I have no recollection of them, but I always ask why he bothers to tell me he's home. Apparently, he's afraid if he doesn't tell me and just gets into bed, I'll think someone has broken in and will beat the crap out of the "intruder". Nevermind the elbows he already takes in this ritual. Poor guy is screwed either way. Luckily he loves me, and has grown accustom to my sleepy abuse, but how lucky am I to have a man who will put up with that?
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Poke her wth a stick!!
Posted by
1/30/2005 06:56:00 PM
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