Welcome! If you got here from Resplendently Pedestrian, you already know... I'm a "Certified Redhead"! Oh, that's not what they meant by "certifiable"? Damn! Well, I'm still proud of my new title and barcode. If you aren't reading the Webwench's site (I just found her a couple days ago, how did I miss this?) Go. NOW! Don't worry, I'll wait... **files nails, checks email, waits for you** She's wonderfully real and just adorable, isn't she?
On to other news, I watched some good movies this week. I love Blockbuster.com, if you haven't tried this, or are a current Netflix user, you've GOT to try it. Oh, yeah... the movies.
Cellular: Very good movie, but I'm so not a Kim Basinger fan. I can't think of a single role I've liked her in. Definitely worth renting anyway.
The Forgotten: Julianne Moore? Love her! She plays an awesome role in this movie, with a hell of a twist. Even N was impressed with this choice, he hadn't heard of the movie before it came in the mail. Creepy plotline, keeps you guessing, good movie. I loved Anthony Edwards in ER, and he's got a short role in this.
(For the family) Shark Tale: Listen folks, I haven't been to a theater since my 20th birthday. My kids were newborns, I was still married to Jackass. You do the math. I hate going to the theater, I'd rather rent the DVD, so I hadn't seen this wildly popular kids movie. It was fun for the whole family, definitely one I might consider buying, if only because it's easier on the brain than endless Dora DVDs.
Reasons being a mom can suck: I've noticed I ALWAYS have an abundance of posts on Friday night. N works nights, and his days off are during the week, which means my Friday nights are lame. My only entertainment? Blogs and Yahoo Messenger. My brother-in-law (an almost 20y/o college kid) signed on, and I sent him an IM which he ignored. He's probably partying with his friends, so I can't blame him. Ah the childless days of partying all weekend are a distant memory now. :)
WTF is this stupid TX weather. 2 days ago it was in the high 70s, we all wore shorts and tees to Mads' final Xray appt on Wednesday. (The leg looks AWESOME! She's healing beautifully) Yesterday and today? Bitter fucking cold. WET and bitter fucking cold. Only in TX, I'm telling you! Ok, Ok... I'll shut up now. Have a great Saturday!
Friday, February 25, 2005
Like you didn't know I was Certifiable!!
Posted by
2/25/2005 10:03:00 PM
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