Tish made me curious. I used to be a Girl Scout. Up until high school I sold cookies outside my mom's store every year with my troop. The were called different things back then, and the names of the cookies the girls around here are selling aren't familiar to me. Being the neurotic person I am, I had to find out what happened to my favorites. There used to be just one bakery that supplied the cookies. ABC Bakers. Now Little Brownie Bakers also supplies cookies. Here's a breakdown for you cookie fans. Carmel DeLites/Samoas are the same. Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs are the same as well. Shortbreads are also called Trefoils, we all know Thin Mints, Peanut Butter Sandwiches are also called Do-Si-Dos, Lemon Cremes are not the same as Lemon Coolers, and I've never had or seen the other cookies. There you go folks, a GS cookie education. And seriously, I know it's like 5 bucks for a dozen cookies, but this is a great cause. These girls learn a lot, and experience great things with the money raised from selling cookies. Buy a box or two, it won't kill you! Give up your latte one day, and enjoy some cookies instead!
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Not a meme
Posted by
2/27/2005 09:32:00 PM
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