I really like the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Those guys crack me up, there are jokes I've heard over and over that still make me laugh. Tonight, on Comedy Central, they showed the original, and the newer one "Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again" I've seen both, and listened to each comedians albums, but I watched it anyway. I'd never heard of these guys (except Jeff Foxworthy) until last year, so it's new to me. Now, here's my plea to Ron White... we might need to start a petition or something.
Ron, darling, I think you are hilarious. Really, I do. And to be honest, you were even kinda sexy in the first BCCT. Your Sears bit? Gets me every time, that is some funny shit! ("It fell off. It FELL OFF! It FELL the fuck OFF!" priceless!) Then, when Blue Collar TV came out, I wondered "Where is Ron?" Jeff, Bill, and Larry were all in the show, but you only showed up in guest appearances. Well, those guest appearances made me think "Man, Ron is drinking a *whole* lot, he looks like shit." Ok, maybe it was just the thrill of the success, you were having an extended celebration. Then came "Rides Again". Oh. My. God. Honey, you looked like a lush in some seedy lounge, the one who stumbles up to you with a lame ass pickup line, and spills his drink in your lap. I know you just got re-married, you're wife should not let you leave the house like that. Come on Tater, you are a funny guy! At least you were before the alcohol took over. Drinking may have been part of your bit, but damn! The jokes? They were the same ones from before, and weren't even as funny now that they are slurred and recycled. Please... go to the Betty Ford clinic or something. While you are there, write some new material... after the shakes wear off, that is. Come on, Ron, put down the scotch, take a shower, get a haircut, and start over. Believe me, it's time. When Larry the Cable Guy shakes his head at you in sympathy, you know you're in trouble. Good luck, man!
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Only because I love you
Posted by
2/13/2005 07:35:00 PM
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