You hear the crickets? Damn, the blogworld has been quiet lately! I know a lot of us are using Blogger, which has been crapping out every 6 hours or so, but still... where the hell is everyone?? I guess it's because of Spring Break, maybe you are all out doing frivilous things like spending time with your kids and stuff. Bah... slackers! The only other explanation is it's me. Does my breath stink? *Does a quick pit check* I'm pretty sure I don't smell bad, so was it something I said? (That's probably the most likely explaination) Oh well, I'll just keep talking, hopefully someone chimes in from time to time. Today was the DAY FROM HELL. Well, maybe not the #1 DFH, but a real close second. I couldn't sleep, and once I quit trying at 5:30am, the kids were awake. This is abnormally early for anyone in my house to be up, the *only* time I see the sun rise is when I haven't been to sleep. My kids are generally the same way, but Shane was wheezing from his cold, and woke his sister up in the process. I do my best to make them both comfortable, sicne they are both hacking and sniffling, and wait for N to get up. When he gets up I ask him to listen to Shane's chest with his stethescope, and he confirms I was not imagining the wheeze and difficulty breathing. Decision time. We cannot get into our doc's office, but Shane has had an episode of asthma-like symptoms before that sent us to the ER Easter Sunday 2003. The wheezing has eased a bit, but it could get worse at night as these things tend to do. If it gets worse at night, I don't have a car since N is working nights, and this could be trouble. (I live about 20 minutes out of "town") We decided better safe than sorry, we took him to the ER. Well, the doctor was great about it, he knew how to treat children well (as opposed to the military hospital, where they treat kids like whiny little adults, no bedside manner), discussed the possibilities, the treatments, what to look for, and what to avoid. Since Shane's wheezing was not as bad as it had been the last episode, they didn't do a nebulizer treatment like we expected, and instead gave us scripts for elixer Albuterol and elixer Prednisone. Before the doc listened to Shane, N had told him he was an EMT, and heard wheezing in all 4 lobes. At first he kinda chuckled, since a lot of "emergency medical techs" don't know much beyond Band-aid 101, but he did say N was correct, he seemed a little taken aback by that. It made me smile, knowing that at the very least my husband knows what to do even when I don't. All in all, it was a Looooooooonnnnnnnnng day, and the kids are FINALLY sleeping, though the steroids made Shane bounce like Sonic the Hedgehog on crack. Me? I'm barely awake, and very cranky as you can tell. Ok, I'm off to night night land... and let the record show the first bastard to call my house before 9am will be hunted down and shot.
Friday, March 18, 2005
*Chirp* *Chirp* *wheeze*
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3/18/2005 07:15:00 PM
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