***If you are a Republican, you might want to just skip this post. I'm not trying to start a political debate, nor am I trying to offend.
I knew when we put the bumper stickers on our car that it would anger some people, especially here. A couple weeks before the election, we bought some bumper stickers that were anti-Bush. (Remember, I only live about 30 minutes from the "Western White House", Dubya is a god here.) I'll admit the "Bush is a punk-ass chump" one is rude and obnoxious, but I've seen more obnoxious decals here, so we decided to put it on anyway. The other 2 (they all go across our back windshield) are "Bring Them Home Now" and "Iraq: the 51st State". We've been lucky to not have any vandalism to our car, I know this. Anyway, someone pulled up behind N at a stop light this evening, and the passenger got out of his car, came up to N, and challenged him to a brawl. Apparently, the guy felt N's protest against our current administration was non-support for our troops which is untrue. He was screaming at N about not support soldiers and whatnot, all the while not knowing N is a former (and soon to be active) soldier, with many friends who served in Iraq, and more than a few who died there. I've often contemplated taking them down, if only to avoid serious confrontation that could get dangerous, but my idealistic mind says most people can control themselves. This isn't always true, of course, but I still believe in free speech, and I feel like taking them down would be giving up that right. No one takes their "Dubya 04" stickers off their cars, there are political signs all up and down the highway telling the public to support Republican politicians here, but because I disagree with the majority, it's "unacceptable". I wouldn't get out of my car to threaten anyone, especially not for an opinion, so I cannot comprehend this guy's decision. It's legal to carry a concealed weapon here as long as you have a license. What if N was some crazy with a gun, and dude just came up to him and challenged him. Was telling N off worth that risk? (Of course, N doesn't carry a weapon, but dude had no way of knowing that) Then again, is making an unpopular statement such a wise choice for us? Maybe the next guy who comes up to our window will be the crazy with a weapon, and that's not really a risk I want to take. I do think it's pretty sad that we cannot all agree to disagree. No one seems to be changing anyone else's mind with the debating/arguing, yet we cannot seem to give it up. Here's a novel idea... we share ideas and opinions nicely, even if they are opposing opinions. If we cannot agree, it's ok. We don't have to. Please stop trying to convince everyone you are right, and they are wrong, because honestly, we could all be wrong, and we'll all feel like asses then.
Friday, April 08, 2005
You wanna fight??
Posted by
4/08/2005 09:52:00 PM
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