Ok, fess up. I demand to know who slipped the Hellraiser pills to my kids today. Was it you? I oughta kick your ass for that one! Highlights of today...
~Pulling, hitting, slapping, and yelling at each other. Sibling love is great.
~Destroying 2 books in the car, and handing me the confetti as I vacuumed at the car wash.
~Running into the street while I was cleaning out the car. I was letting them run around, and all of a sudden they were in the road. We don't live on a busy street, but we are at the end of a horseshoe, and cars whip around the curve way too fast. One came about 30 seconds after I pulled them out of the road, so I shudder at what might have been.
~Did I mention tantrums?!
~Dinner was a disaster. They wouldn't sit, they grabbed food from each other, things hit the floor. I even got a fork to the back of my thigh, because Shane was buttering me up with a hug so my head wouldn't explode over him not sitting down. Fine dining this was not.
~Bath was too easy, so easy I knew something was up. They never let me wash them without a fight, so when there was no screaming during rinsing I got worried. I was right, the next 20 minutes were a splashy whirlwind of disaster, their bathroom is practically flooded.
~They boycotted clothes. Hell no, we won't dress, and you can't make us. 20 minutes of "PLEASE put your underpants on. STOP RUNNING! Hey!!! HEY!!!"
~We pay for DTV service every month, basically so the kids can watch Dora. I rarely get to take over the TV (It's all kiddie shows, all the time here!), but tonight my all time favorite band, Dave Matthews Band, was featured on CNN. I've been waiting since Tuesday to see this, so I was really looking forward to it. The first half of the show was crap about U2 (I only say crap because I could care less I just wanted to hear about DMB!!) The moment the segment turned to DMB, the kids decided they wanted to start fighting, screaming next to my migraine-ridden head, and jumping on me. My nerves were already frayed, this wasn't helpful.
~Shane didn't want to put on his pajamas. Period.
~That, of course, led to more TANTRUMS
~We call Daddy to read stories and say goodnight. They compete over who gets to "read" to Daddy first, and since Madison was the lucky one, Shane interrupted at every chance. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (Mads style) took 20 minutes.
~Shane is reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear..." at a snail's pace as well, when Mads announced she had to pee. She runs to the bathroom, and after a few minutes I go to check on her (while Shane gets frustrated that Daddy isn't making the appropriate animal noises with the book, and we make very little progress). Come on, take a guess... she LOCKED HERSELF IN! Nate is on speaker phone listening to me scream to Maddie to open up the door, just unlock it please! I am trying to pick the lock, while begging Mads to just turn the lock back for me, and yelling to Shane to please keep "reading". Finally, Mads just unlocked it for me. N had hung up, after yelling to me he'd call later since my hands were full. I quickly tucked everyone in and went to watch DH and drown my sorrows in cake. I really wish I'd just stayed in bed today.
**I'd give some link-age to the things mentioned in the post, but that would involve more work, and I'm so not feeling it. Anyone who doesn't know who Dave Matthews Band is, or CNN, or hasn't heard of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, email me. I'll bring you up to speed with the 21st century.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Holy Terror, Batman!
Posted by
5/15/2005 10:09:00 PM
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