Let me start this post by directing you to my sidebar, where my hate mail disclaimer is. If you are pissed off by anything I write here, feel free to let me know.
Now, this topic was brought on by a blog post in which a wonderful writer replayed an actual incident, and described the people involved. The writer mentioned that one of the people was a "thin, black man". The writer is white. Stop the fucking presses, a white person said "black man". Now, this *shouldn't* be an issue, because good writing involves giving a clear mental picture to the readers, but a black reader was offended, and commented so. Basically, the reader felt race should have been left out of it, and by saying "thin, black man" the writer was racist. Have we all lost our minds?
You're black? I'm cool with that. You're Asian? Cool with that, too. Hispanic? Still cool with it. (Except the Mexican laborers who whipped their dicks out and peed in my front yard, on more than one occasion, where my kids could see, then pretended not to speak English when I yelled at them. BUT I wouldn't be cool with a person of any race exposing themselves to my kids, and pissing in my yard. Sorry.) Anyway, I don't care if you are white, black, green, purple, pink, red, blue, orange, aqua, cyan, brown, grey, mauve, yellow, or motherfucking clear. As long as you aren't an ass, you can be any color in the rainbow and still be cool by me. What does it matter? It doesn't. It doesn't matter where you live, what religion (or lack thereof) you follow, what your political beliefs are, how much money you have, or anything else, because we're still flesh and blood humans.
Now here's where I'm probably going to piss off anyone who hasn't already put out a hit on me for this post. Why is it that I should feel the need to walk on eggshells because I was born with less melanin than some? Should you automatically be angry if you were born with more? Am I not allowed to mention someone's race? Then why are people of other races allowed to call me white? (Ignoring the more derogatory names for white people, because that further complicates things) Why can there be the NAACP, Black Miss America, and BET (and I certainly do not mean to only call out black organizations, but they are the only "exclusive" ones I know of) but a group that only allowed white people, or called themselves the White *whatever* would be a public outrage. I don't think there should be any "exclusive" groups, but if there are going to be, then shouldn't it be equal across the board?? Basically, I'm sick of being hated and judged because I'm white. For the record, no member of my anscestry, going back to my people on the Mayflower, owned any slaves. We were all born and raised in the Northeastern US (except my children), until you get back to William Brewster, who was born in Scrooby, England and came to Plymouth Rock. SO.... stop making an entire race pay for the crimes of some people 200 years ago. I don't use derogatory terms to describe anyone's skin color, so what's the problem? There are asshats in every race, get over it. Why do we make an issue out of a harmless (and truthful) description? Isn't that reverse racism? Just stop it. I'm white, I am not a racist, I love some people, I hate others, and I base the decision off the actions of the person, not the color of their skin. I'm not going to apologize for stating someone's race, and I don't think my friend should either. It's fucking ridiculous to judge a book by it's cover, so don't.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
The one where I offend everyone
Posted by
5/01/2005 08:16:00 PM
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