Ah, I don't feel like writing a title today. I drove Nate to Dallas today, he'll be on his way to Kansas in the morning. We spent a week apart about this time last year, but other than that we haven't been apart for any length of time yet. It's strange. The first day is always the hardest, and the first day of the fist separation is by far the worst. Of course, it doesn't help that I didn't sleep last night, since I had to drive him there at 2:20am this morning. I hate being all mopey and lonely, it's just a dreadful feeling. It'll pass, but man it sucks.
On another front, when we pulled into downtown Dallas, N suddenly says "There's the grassy knoll!" I was sleepy eyed, and he caught me a bit off guard with that one. Sure enough, the Federal Building is on S. Houston St, less than a block away from the infamous knoll. Since neither of us were even thought of when JFK was killed, we decided to ask the guard if we were looking at the right location. He verified that it was *right there* and told us there was a plaque in the grass to mark the tragedy. It's funny, it's one of the biggest "mysteries" in American history, and just the ghost of the event lies in a busy center city, we drove by more than once before we realized we were there. Maybe it's the wife and mother I've become, but I didn't think about how our nation felt that day, I thought of Jackie O. She sat helpless with her fatally wounded husband, held his bleeding body. My heart breaks for her, because we lost a President, but she lost the man she loved, and couldn't do anything to help him.
I really don't have any tie in from that little downer moment, but next up in my ramblings is traffic. Specifically drivers in Waco, TX. You live, work, or go to school in Waco? Listen up. I know y'all think that your destination might disappear off the map at any moment, but it won't. I'm not a perfect driver, but WTF is wrong with you people? Seriously. First of all, I have a healthy repsect for tractor trailers. These guys drive for a living, and their vehicles are MUCH bigger than mine. Granted, some of them are asshats, and dangerous, but the golden rule is size. If you could squash my car, I'm gonna give you some breathing room. Here's a newsflash, oh people of Waco... these big rigs CANNOT stop on a dime. It is VERY unwise to pull in front of them at 80 mph, and just barely clear their front bumper in heavy traffic. You are not only going to get yourself killed, but all of us around you. Stop it. On that note, tailgating. N is a tailgater, and it is an endless argument with us. You people are even worse. If I can count your nose hairs when I look out my rearview, you might be too close. I don't care if Dale Jr. uses the chrome horn to pass, this isn't Talladega, and our cars don't come with pit crews and roll cages. One of these days I'm gonna brake check your ass, and since you're already sitting in my back seat, you can use my cell phone to call your insurance agent. After all, I wouldn't want you to hang up your urgent call, I mean someone must be dying for you to risk all of our lives to take that call! Usually, when we see someone cutting in and out of traffic like an ass, N will say "Drive it like you stole it!". Today, I really did think I was gonna see cops tailing a couple of these drivers, because they were trading paint just to get into tiny gaps and dip around the other 3 million drivers on I-35. It was total white knuckle from Waco to Temple today, and I'm so freaking glad I don't have to drive that daily anymore. Now I know why NJ has such strict driver's education, these asshats could use a course or 10.
Well, I'm off to check in with your blogs, and then to bed. I'm *still* not receiving all my comments via email (Thanks, Haloscan!!) So for the time being I'm going to start responding to comments in the comment section. (Unless it's more personal, I'll email you.) That means check back... feel free to talk amongst yourselves as well.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
What title?
Posted by
5/12/2005 06:10:00 PM
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