First let me say the "soldier" who (allegedly) committed this act should be beaten and tortured. But... that's not my point here. From the Killeen Daily Herald, Killeen, TX (staff reports, no author cited)
GATESVILLE — Spc. Michael Larkin, the soldier indicted in March on charges of attempted aggravated kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault stemming from an incident at a Copperas Cove elementary school, could be required to wear an electronic monitoring device if he is released from the Army.
According to court documents, officials for the military believe that Larkin, 22, of Killeen, could be a flight risk if he is released from the military pending the decision of a military board meeting Friday which could relieve him of his military duties.
Bond amendments were approved Wednesday in the court of 52nd District Judge Phillip Zeigler.
Larkin allegedly entered Hettie Halstead Elementary School on March 9 in Cove and waited in a girl’s bathroom, where he then reportedly inappropriately touched a 7-year-old female student.
Larkin, a member of Company A, 15th Main Support Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, was arrested March 9 and is out on $40,000 bond. He was indicted in March.
According to court records, following the incident Larkin was placed on restriction by his chain of command, banning him from leaving designated areas on Fort Hood.
According to an affidavit, Larkin was seen leaving and returning to the military post on two separate occasions in violation of the restrictions.
Additional bond conditions include restricting Larkin from leaving the state of Texas without permission from the court.
He is not to be any place where children congregate and is to remain at a residence in Killeen at all times, with the exceptions of attending church and legal and medical appointments.
Ok, first off, some background. Ft. Hood is next to Killeen, TX. The western part of the base is next to Copperas Cove, but none of the main entrances lead directly to Cove. Some soldiers do, however, live there. Regardless of that, this was during school hours, which are duty hours for the military in most cases. Why wasn't this "soldier" (I use that term loosely here) at work? Let's just say he was on leave. HOW DID HE GET INTO THE SCHOOL?! In addition, how the fuck did he get into a girl's bathroom in an elementary school unnoticed?? Who is protecting the children? I'm outraged by this whole incident, mainly because we send our kids off to school thinking they are safe, and yet some young guy with no reason to be there walks into the school, and then into a girls bathroom, and molests a little girl, without being noticed? HELLO?! Now that the military is about to put him out, the courts need to revoke his bond. He's already violated military restriction, what's to stop him from violating bond?
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Beaten and tortured...
Posted by
6/02/2005 07:02:00 PM
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