It's good to have dreams, right? I dream of only having one load of laundry to do a day. Being able to leave the house without a $10 million production. Spending a day without anyone announcing the need to vacate their bowels. Not having to wipe anyone's ass for them. No squeals of "Mommy! Laztown's on! Look! Sporticus! LOOK MOMMY!" I dream of manicured nails, styled hair, and makeup. I dream of having my computer safe from grubby paws who mess with settings and mysterious programs.
Then again, the absence of those things that drive me so freaking crazy would mean my kids are grown, and I don't want that to happen too soon. I ponder my children and the love I feel for them on a daily basis. I wonder if my mom still feels the same way about me that I feel about my children, or if that's an emotion that dulls with time. I wonder how much longer my children will want to talk to me, before the sighs and eye rolls begin. I wonder how I'll feel when they're grown, and the sounds of laughter and joy have faded into my memory. I try and remind myself, even when I'm tired and frustrated by the trials of raising toddlers, that this time is short, soon it will be gone forever. So, dreams can wait, I've got laundry to do and butts to wipe.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
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6/29/2005 08:19:00 AM
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