Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I'm thinking we need to buy stock in Bounty and Windex, because I'm having some trouble cleaning the bathrooms. Our house has tiled walls in both baths (full upstairs, half down) The only way I have found to clean them to even a marginally acceptable level is Windex. I say "marginally acceptable" because anyone who has ever lived in military housing knows it's impossible to get anything really clean. There are layers upon layers of painted dirt, and the painting was apparently done by drunken monkeys, demonstrated by the splatters on EVERY floor, moulding, door, and window. Anyway, I digress. What's your secret to keeping tile clean? The all-purpose cleaner I used left a gritty residue, so I went to the glass cleaner, which works ok. I need more bleach pens for the grout, so I'll have to remember to never do the tiles and grout on the same day, lest Nate come home to find me passed out from fumes. I hear the cheap alternative to using daily shower spray is plain ol' rubbing alcohol, since that is the main ingredient in the pricey Tilex-type spray. I may have to give that a shot, because I refuse to spend an arm and a leg on cleaners. *sigh* My other dillema is the hardwood floors, which have a waxy build up that is probably older than I am. Hardwood cleaner just sits on top, and smears around, rather than cleaning. I hate dirty floors, so this is distressing to me. My dream is to build our own home, so the only dirt in it is our dirt, I can deal with our dirt. Of course, being able to decorate as I choose will be nice too. Nate's owned his own home before, but I haven't, and I swear the first thing I'll do is paint a room some insane color, just because I can. Until then, I'll have to occupy myself with my quest against the yuck in here. Wish me luck, and share your cleaning tips!