Cori asked about my pregnancy, how I felt when I found out I was carrying twins, any complications, and funny tidbits.
I found out I was pregnant about 5 weeks after my wedding. We were totally unprepared for a child. 9/11 was 3 days before my wedding, we were living in South Florida, only minutes away from the anthrax cases, the whole environment was scary, and my ex-husband was military, so we weren't sure where we were headed in life. Still, I'd never been so excited about anything in my life, and happily went about making my first appointment with the OB. I was the main breadwinner (read: supporting my ex-husband's lazy ass) because my ex was in the Guard and had lost his full time job. We decided he should go Active Duty, supplying us with steady income and insurance, but it meant moving to TX. The day before he left for TX we went in for an appointment, and the doctor said "Are you sure about your dates?" I told him I was, I knew very well when my last period had ended, because it was the day before my wedding. (We ladies wouldn't forget that, white dress + period= stress!) He mentioned to us that I was mesuring a few weeks ahead, and took us to the ultrasound room. As soon as he put the doppler on my belly, we saw 2 heads. There was a moment of "No, way!!" looks, while we waited for the doctor to confirm what we were seeing. Sure enough, 2 babies, both healthy, I was 17 weeks pregnant, just as I had said. Most of my pregnancy was uneventful, I moved to TX 7 weeks after that ultrasound, and met the doctor who would care for me the rest of the pregnancy. At 25 weeks, while in for a routine exam, I was sent for a non-stress test. I was contracting 6 minutes apart, and dialated 3 cm. The contractions stopped after some rest and water, and I was put on full bedrest. I had weekly appointments for the rest of the pregnancy, and prepared for a c-section because Twin A (Shane) was breech. I was due on June 16th, but they fully expected me to deliver much earlier. My ex was sent to California for the entire month of May, and I was terrified. I was stuck on bedrest, completely alone in TX, and had a pit bull to care for. I was sure I'd end up in L&D alone, my worst nightmare. One day Kylie (the dog) got away from me, and was running around the parking lot in the apartment complex. It's hotter than Hades, I'm so very pregnant, and chasing after a playful, stir-crazy dog. Thank god, a really nice stranger stopped to help the crazy, pregnant lunatic, and we got Kylie back into the house. Shortly after that incident, I had to go grocery shopping, and was waiting at the check point to get on post. The soldier who was checking my ID looked down at my belly (I was wearing a tight tank top from Motherhood), jumped back a little, and said "OH MY GOD! I saw it move!! Did that HURT?!?!" I couldn't help but laugh, as this young soldier had probably never seen such a belly, and may have sworn off kids at that point. My grandmom came out from FL to stay with me during the last 2 weeks of May, and was determined to send me into labor. You know how older generations can give you some strange advice? She kept telling me to go sit on the toilet, and push, until my water broke. Um, that didn't seem like such a good idea. My ex finally came home on May 31st, just in time for me to go into labor on Monday, June 3rd, at 38.5 weeks pregnant. Shane Jacob was born at 9:09pm weigh 5lbs 10oz, and Madison Elizabeth came 2 minutes later, weighing 4lbs 14 oz.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Requests: Round 4!!
Posted by
6/15/2005 09:15:00 AM
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