This is stolen from Tish, and various others around the 'sphere. Don't laught at me!
10 years ago: We moved into the first **house** I ever lived in, and my sister was a newborn. I was 12 years old.
5 years ago: I was in the beginnings of addiction, and an abusive relationship. The only good thing that came from that summer was my newfound love of Sixers basketball.
1 year ago: A custody battle with my ex was making life stressful, I was praying to all the powers in the universe to keep my children safe with me.
Looking back like that, the last 6 years have been a lot of ups and downs. It just so happened that the 2 in question were some of the downs, you'll have to trust me when I say there were many positives over that stretch, too.
Yesterday: I painted my toenails, watched a movie with Nate (Hide and Seek, it was very good!) talked to Cori, did some laundry. Pretty boring weekend, but it's hotter than hell right now!
Today: Cut Nate's hair, swept the floors. Had my neighbor and her kids over, the kids played with play-doh downstairs while we chatted and watched some of the race. Talked to my grandmom, got my mom's answering machine, picked up more Coke and cigs at the shopette, swept the porch, and checked email. More boring-ness!
Tomorrow, I have an early morning Dr. appointment, that ought to be fun, considering my sleepy-head tendencies. The house needs to be cleaned, I'll get right on that.
5 snacks I enjoy: Pop Tarts, chips, sharp cheddar and crackers, cereal (yes, it's a snack to me!!) popcorn.
5 bands that I know the lyrics of most of their songs: Dave Matthews Band, Bush, Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, I can't think of a 5th I know lots of song lyrics, but not all from one band.
5 things I'd do with $100 Mil: Make sure my family (immediate and extended) and close friends were living comfortably, invest, donate to charities, travel, buy real estate.
5 Locations I'd like to run away to: The carribean, Europe, California (to see Cori!), The Outer Banks, NYC
5 Bad habits I have: 6 pack of Coke a day, smoking, picking at my skin, not knowing when to shut up, procrastinating.
5 things I like doing: hanging out with my family, reading, blogging, listening to music, sleeping
5 things I would never wear: I've got nothing... I hate to say never, lest I embarass myself.
5 shows I like: Rescue Me, Desperate Housewives, Fire Me Please!, Everybody Loves Raymond, Judging Amy
5 Movies I like: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Wizard of Oz, Lady and the Tramp (yes! the Disney one!!) oh, crap... I don't know. There are so many good movies, who can keep track?
5 famous people I'd like to meet: the 5 members of Dave Matthews Band
5 biggest joys at the moment: Nate, Shane, Maddie, my gmom finally getting her check, my friends.
5 things that are keeping me from being utterly miserable: my determination, my family, Coke, my computer, the air conditioning.
5 fave toys: My computer, my camera, my cable modem, the satellite dish, Debbie's Jeep.
5 people to pass this to: You guys know the drill, I'm offering it for the taking. You know, memes belong to the world, dammit!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Posted by
7/10/2005 05:00:00 PM
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