We went to a BBQ for N's company yesterday evening, which is automatically interesting. You see, if you gather all the families and single soldiers of all the ranks, proovide free food, and tell them BYOB, it's bound to be entertaining. Well, we invited a couple families back to our house after the BBQ broke up, and went home to prep. I had to run to the video store to return a movie, and stopped at the shoppette to get some drinks. The line at the shoppette is crazy, and there is only one register open. Finally someone says "Hey, why is that employee just standing there {by a back door} when there are like 30 of us in line?!" and the cashier replies "Because he caught a shoplifter." Great, it's Saturday night, and we all get to spend 30 minutes in line because some asshat decided to steal and the MPs are no where to be found. Here's a clue, this is FEDERAL property. If you break a law here it's usually much worse than breaking the same law off post. Stealing a candy bar or something from the shoppette is SO NOT WORTH the trouble you are gonna get in. Anyway, we were quite ready to have them just release the offender to those of us stuck in line, none of us were too happy.
Fast forward... we (Jake and I) arrive back at the house to find our guests have arrived. We get everything organized and start to relax. All of a sudden my front door opens (no knock, no ring, nothing) and another (single) soldier walks in. He's 3 sheets to the wind already, and apparently didn't understand that this was not a frat party, we all have young kids. He starts acting obnoxiously (when N told him to stop by, he was sober and claimed to have quit drinking altogether), spilling stuff, talking out his ass, the whole nine. He's sucking down a bottle of 20/20, and some beer, at a quick pace. 3 sheets is now more like 9, he's tore up. Finally, we girls go outside, and are out there talking for about 30 minutes. He comes stumbling out of the house, mutters something, and heads toward the street. We call out to him asking if he's driving, and he says "Yes". We ask him for his keys, tell him we have a DD and will give him a ride, which he refuses. I then tell him if he leaves my house in his car I will call the MPs. Three warnings were met with three "Whatever"s, and he pulled away. I went inside to call the MPs, and N was already on the phone with his sergeant. The guys had tried to get his keys before he came outside, and gave up short of an altercation. Well, calling the Sgt may cover their asses, but it doesn't help any if he kills someone while driving to his barracks. I call the MPs, and from the sound of the background chatter they caught up with him while I was still on the phone. I've been stressing about it since, (that was about 11pm last night, talk about ruining our night!!) even though I know I did the right thing. It's hard, knowing someone will get in so much trouble, but we tried to stop him, and what if he killed someone? It sucks that someone could be so ignorant, when we had a ride available for him. Either way, the whole situation has been eating at me.
Topping things off, we woke up this morning to complaints of a bellyache from Maddie. Hmmm... this is not uncommon, though she can have some BM trouble. We head out to breakfast, figuring she'll feel better when shortly. No fever, nothing like that. We're on the road and she starts throwing up the water she sucked down just moments earlier. Yay, this is gonna be a fun day!! We turn around, I get a warm bath drawn, and get in with her. She perks up in the bath, maybe she just had an upset tummy. No such luck, the puking quickly returned, poor little thing was so upset. After a few hours she is keeping down crackers, and feeling a bit better. By dinner time she is almost back to normal, so I'm hoping it's all over.
On that note, Desperate Housewives is about to start, so I'm outta here!! Enjoy the show!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Sunday Soup
Posted by
9/25/2005 05:19:00 PM
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