I, and I'm sure many others, spend a lot of energy bitching about what goes wrong, how people screw up, and just general incompetence. Every once in a while it's nice to praise the people who do something well! We had maintenance out today to fix a few things, including our bathtub that was not draining well. The contractor who came out has been here before, and has always done an enxcellent job with the tasks, and been sweet as pie. It's becoming incredibly rare to see GOOD customer service, so I decided to acknowlege his job well done. I called the housing service contractor, and told the lady that I appreciated his great work. She told me she would check to see if his supervisor was in (he wasn't) and asked me to try to call back later and catch him, hopefully get Larry (our contractor) some recognition, maybe Employee of the Month. I thought that was a nice reminder to take time out of our day to praise someone for their good service. We usually only pick up that phone when we have a complaint, so why not call with some rave reviews? Anyway, just thought I'd share that... I'm sure everyone out there would love to hear someone praise them. Keep that in mind!
Of course, no good deed goes unpunished. Apparently I haven't built up enough good karma, because I received a nasty-gram from my mail carrier (not his responsibility, I need to call my ex-husband to take care of this, don't I realize he has 780 last names to remember and can't be required to remember first names, etc). I had gone to the post office yesterday to inquire about getting my ex-husband name take off our address, as I receive mail for him regularly. I have no forwarding address, OR phone number, and when I write "return to sender" on the mail it is re-delivered to me. The post office employee told me he would let my carrier know, and that I should put a note that he gave me on the mailbox. Fine, except that was misinformation, and it pissed off my mail carrier! Grrrrr. Anyway, I found out what I really need to do, but I don't think there was cause for rudeness! **Sigh** I'm now ready to go back to bed, but I have grocery shopping to do and am babysitting my friend's kids this afternoon. Is it bedtime yet?!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Bitch-free **Edited**
Posted by
10/13/2005 07:58:00 AM
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