We took our second trip to the ER in as many days, because N's swelling and pain was worse, teh pain meds they gave him weren't even touching it. I actually called first, and spoke to the cool ass nurse who was working last night, and she advised us to come back in. (FYI, this is not costing us an arm and both legs, and there is no "Urgent Care" to use after hours, so the ER was the only option) Well, different doc, same attitude, which N says is common for him to get. Apparently spouses and children get adequate care, but enlisted get brushed off unless it's life, limb, or eyesight. I'm aggrivated, because the whole point of going back up there was to get pain management for the rest of the 4-day weekend, since he HAS to go in Tuesday morning to the regular doc. He didn't sleep for shit last night, was in a shitload of pain today, this is not a good way to spend the next 36 hours. So... tell doc pain meds aren't working, pain and swelling are worse, etc. Doc rambles on about there being "nothing anyone can do, an injury takes time to heal, there is no magic wand". We weren't asking for some Miracle Worker to make it all go away, just something to take the edge off until Tuesday. Pretty please. Doc finally stops patronizing long enough to agree to a pain shot for tonight. Great, thanks... what are the odds he'll be miserable all day tomorrow? Cool nurse comes in to give N the shot in his buttocks **giggle**, and tells us it'd be smart to come in in the morning, more likely to get some assistance. Well, I KNOW N will not go in again, he'd rather just suck it up. I can't blame him, even though his pain is bad, because it was demeaning to be treated like a couple of drug-seeking street junkies. I want to rage because he's hurting, and even he admits if it were me being ignored he'd raise holy hell, but since it's the soldier it's a lost cause. Blah, blah blah... I feel like I'm just whining, but I'm frustrated. I'll get over it, life's a beeyotch!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
ER: Take 2
Posted by
10/09/2005 11:26:00 PM
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