Conservative groups are calling for a boycott of the American Girl company, because of their donations to Girls, Inc. They say Girls, Inc is a pro-abortion, pro-lesbian group, thus the uproar. American Girls make quality dolls, often in historical American dress, as well as other products that present a healthy image for young girls to model. The fact that some conservative groups want to turn them into a political statement is just plain pathetic. A doll company shouldn't be teaching our children what party to support, or forcing forcing adult beliefs onto them. FYI to those groups, it's a PARENT'S job to teach their children what morals they feel are appropriate, and you cannot control the thinking of everyone in the world. Get over yourself. Look beyond the message of pro-choice and acceptance of homosexuals, and see all of the other WONDERFUL messages Girls, Inc supports. If you still don't like them, don't donate, and no one is MAKING you buy the product that American Girls is donating to that group.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Posted by
10/14/2005 03:43:00 PM
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