Guess where I'm writing this from!! Oh, come on... guess! Well, I'm on 135 South, heading towards Wichita, KS. I cannot WAIT to get out of KS, I never thought I'd be so excited about entering Oklahoma. I figure I can write a few posts along the way in Notepad, and post them once we reach internet access. We stopped off at a truck stop to buy a converter for the laptop charger, and gas was $2.07/gal. The really sad part is that made me want to pee my pants a little. I mean we paid $2.24 when we filled up on post, and my MIL says it's in the $2.40 range in TX. Anyway, we've had one pee accident per child already, the joys of driving with toddlers. I guess it could be worse, no one gets carsick in our family. Nothing like the smell of puke to make 650 miles last forever.
On the non-roadtrip front, something occurred to me Tuesday night when watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown". Where the hell were the parents of the Peanuts gang? When Linus falls asleep in the pumpkin patch it's his sister who goes out and gets him. What was Mom doing, drinking herself into oblivion?? How about Dad?? Seriously, that was a CPS case waiting to happen. I wonder what the Peanuts gang grew up to be. The world may never know.
So, that's about it for this stretch of highway. Keep on trucking, or something like that.
More tales of the road here. I'm in Lawerence, KS, home of Kansas University and right next to Wichita. We just passed a billboard that convinced me this town needs to be bombed right off the planet. A polite looking young man next to the words "ex-gays prove change is possible". WTF?!?! I'm guessing it was for one of those "camps" that "reforms" gays and lesbians. I'm totally disgusted. Seriously, I hate this state.
We stopped in Moore, OK to get an OU hat for Shane. Wal*mart was the Promised Land!!! There was $2.00 gas, and the Wal*mart had every OU thing you could want! Nate was in HEAVEN!
Well, we are in the great state of Texas now, we arrived at about 5:30am, I've never been so happy to see the Killeen exit. Actually, when we passed an HEB in Waco, I decided that I love HEB and want to marry it and have little HEB babies. I had a Krispy Kreme in Alvarado, and thought it couldn't get any better than that, but seeing HEB, and then our bank, and Baylor, and the bar I got drunk at for my 21str birthday, and YEAH!!! We are in TEXAS!! We're home!! Too. excited. for. words!
At some point last night I decided I wanted a tattoo. We were down at the tattoo shop, saying hi to everyone, and I told Chris I wanted to get in his chair later. Since it was the day before payday, we got lucky, and the place was pretty slow. When I said "I just want a little bit of cover work to start extending this tattoo towards my other shoulder", Chris heard "Let's do both shoulder blades tonight!!" He gave me such a killer quote on it I decided to go all the way. Of course, N decided he wanted another too, so halfway through mine he left me with his brothers, and went across the hallway to Chad's booth. Thanks, hon! Anyway, I was a big fat baby, but I made it through. I only teared up twice, and didn't break anyone's hand. Thing is, there a few moments where I was like "This isn't bad, I've got this, I'm good... OH SHIT! NOT GOOD!! NOT GOOD!!!" Since this was much larger than my other two, I am SORE! I'll post pictures when I get home, sicne I don't have my USB for my camera with me.
So, I'll probably post more later, and pictures are coming next week. Happy Halloween!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Stories from the road
Posted by
10/29/2005 11:29:00 AM
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