I discovered something interesting this week. Apparently, Fort Riley has a few resident ghosties! This all came up when Yeida was telling me about another friend's quarters, and how her friend thought they were haunted. Her friend, Jo, had heard loud knocking after she moved in, and thought it was the front door. No one was there, so she thought it might be her kids. They were out cold, but the knocking persisted. On another occasion she heard someone calling "Momma!!" repeatedly. She thought it might be her son, but he was sleeping peacefully. She finally asked the spirit to stop, explained that they would be living in the quarters for a couple years, and didn't mean any harm. The noises stopped, but the ghost then started toying with electronics. The radio would come on by itself, often turned all the way up. Yeida was witness to this one day, the radio turned on, blaring at top volume. So, I decided to see what kind of ghost history I could find, because there are rumors of strange occurances happening on main post (the oldest part of the base). Many posts have ghost stories, often they are just silly rumors, but apparently the stories here are widely believed. General George Armstrong Custer was stationed here (many areas and buildings are named after him, I live up on Custer Hill), and some of the last battles with Native Americans were staged on these grounds. There was a Cholera outbreak in the 1800s that left much of the post dead. Custer was at Leavenworth at the time, and was court martialed for leaving his post to come to Riley and check on his wife. So, there are reports of men playing polo on the Infantry Parade Field, which used to be a polo field.There are also reports of a man riding horseback on the Lower Parade field early in the morning. A man is seen dressed in old-style clothing on horseback in stable 1 of the horse stables. A nurse is seen on Main Post, though I'm unclear on the building in particular. A woman who died during the Cholera outbreak is often seen by the trolly station, near the area her house once stood. There are many accounts of unexplained sightings and noises across the post. Anyone want to go ghost hunting with me??
Thursday, November 03, 2005
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11/03/2005 02:41:00 PM
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