Oh my... there are some GREAT deals going on today. Yeida and I were at the PX at 5am, and there were already people waiting to get in. We were in and out in 20 minutes, I bought the kids a 20" flat screen TV/DVD player for their room for $100 I am now hearing Wal*mart had theirs at $89, but that wasn't the case when we got to Wal*mart at 6:40am. We cleaned up at Wal*mart, because they were matching any advertised price, so we brought all of our ads and got discounts all around. Next to Target, who was the least impressive of all the stores, their deals suck, they didn't price match, they just bit the big one. We grabbed some breakfast and headed to Kmart, where I got in a verbal altercation. You see an old woman was walking down the middle of the drive, and I had to hit my brakes because I didn't see her. I beeped my horn to let her know I was behind her, and then noticed her middle-aged daughter about 20 feet behind me. I say "noticed" because she alerted me by calling me a bitch. Feeling pretty bad about not noticing the older woman, and having to stop short, I apologized as we were walking in.
(Me) I'm sorry!! I wasn't trying to be a bitch, I really didn't see her.
(Her... 5 seconds later as we're walking away) Yes, you were! (trying to be a bitch)
(Me) Excuse me?? I was trying to apologize for my mistake, and you want to look at me and assume I'm an asshole.
(Her, snickering) Right, sure you are. I said OK!!
(Me) No, what you SAID was "Yes you were!", when I'm trying to be nice and apologize.
(Her) Right, whatever you say...
(Me) Fine, FUCK YOU, LADY!!
That's what I get for trying to do the right thing, I am gonna stop being polite to people. Either way, for all of the people who acted like asses this morning, karma is a bitch, so I'm sure it will be promptly paid back. I tried to be very nice, even when people were acting like complete idiots. The best part of the day (besides saving a ton of money) was shopping with my friend, we had such a blast. I wish more people would enjoy the shopping fun, rather than get all twisted out of shape. We laughed so much, and felt so giddy, definitely a fun time bonding over sales!
So, in addition to the TV, I bought a portable DVD player, a toy chest, 2 dvds, slippers for Yeida's daughters, stocking stuffers, a blanket for the playroom, and gifts for Nate. (I'd totally tell you the AWESOME deals I got on his stuff, but he reads my blog and I don't want to ruin the surprise.) Among some of Yeida's awesome deals, the Dora Talking Kitchen for $69, Pegasus Barbie horse for $18, V-smile cartidges for $14, a breadmaker for $24, a Batman dress up set for $10, and a "The Longest Yard" for $7. So, did you find any deals today?? Hopefully, no one got in any fights!
Friday, November 25, 2005
The Deals!! The DEALS!!
Posted by
11/25/2005 11:19:00 AM
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