Monday, November 14, 2005

Just my honest opinion

I'm getting sick and tired of hearing about prisoner abuse by US soldiers. Everyone is all "OMG!! They mistreat the detainees!!", but why?? Do you think American soldiers and civilians captured by extremists are treated well? Sure, if getting your head chopped off and your body burned is good treatment. These people show us NO sympathy, Americans captured are tortured, murdered, and violated in every way. So what, if someone stripped the prisoners and laughed at them?? We didn't chop their heads off. So what if they were mentally and physically tormented? Do you think they wouldn't do the same, or worse to us?? This is war, people, whether the government calls it "war", or "winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people". (That is really how this situation is referred to currently) They are trying to kill as many Americans as possible, and we're trying to invite them for tea and krumpets. Fuck that. Fuck the "civil rights" because our constitution only guarantees those to AMERICAN CITIZENS, and the Geneva Conventions is a bunch of bullshit. If they (GOD FORBID) captured my husband, do you think they'd give him 3 squares and a comfy bed? NO! They'd torture him, try to get information from him, and then kill him. They don't follow Geneva Conventions, they don't have "rules of engagement" and they don't give two shits about Americans at all. They want YOU to die, they want me to die, they want to kill our babies, our elderly, our innocent citizens everywhere simply for being American. Fuck that... capture them, get information from them by any means, kick their asses from here to next week, and call it a day. That's just my opinion, of course, but I've lost all ability to sympathize with people who want nothing more than shedding of American blood.