Breezy and I have been having a discussion on the phrase "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas. I thought I would open it up in a separate post, so we could all chime in. He states retailers in America should say "Merry Christmas" because American is mostly Christian and founded on Christian beliefs.
I say we should say "Happy Holidays", because many religions celebrate holidays during the Christmas season, we should be tolerant of ALL religions, and our country was founded by Christians but for the purpose religious freedom. We left England because we were being religiously prosecuted. The founding fathers wrote the 1st amendment to protect ALL religions, not just Christianity. It has nothing to do with being "PC", and everything to do with respect for others. One cannot tell just by looking what religous background someone has. For example, I was teasing Breezy, and told him he assumed I was Christian. My maiden name is Jacobs, I have Eastern European facial structure and coloring, I could very well be Jewish. (I'm not saying that to be offensive, I have been asked more than once if I'm of Jewish faith) I'm not, my coloring comes from Southern Europe, my ancestors who first came to America were Dutch and English, my mom's dad was Irish. We were raised Methodist, and I converted to the Baptist church as a teen, but have since left the church.
Ok, say you want strictly adhere to the religion of our founding fathers, as Breezy's argument suggests. They were Quakers. That means the ONLY acceptable sect of Christianity in America is Quaker. The Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, and other denominations of Christianity go against the basis of our country. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.
So, I open this up to all of you, discuss amongst yourself. Breezy, since the discussion was originally between us, I open the floor for a rebuttal. You can post it in comments, or email me, and I'll post it here.
Monday, December 26, 2005
The basis of America
Posted by
12/26/2005 12:03:00 PM
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