Cori had tagged me for this meme, but I wanted to wait until I talked to my mom, since it asked abotu childhood stories. So, I didn't forget, Cor... here you go!
1. Hum a jingle of which you know all the words.
How the fuck to you hum in type?! Anyway... Hmmmmm hmm hm hmmmmmmm hm hm hi hmmm hmm. It's the Backyardigans theme song, an earworm for me.
2. As a kid you played a board game over and over. And you cheated, you little bastard! What was the game?
I really didn't play too many board games, being an only child for most of my life. I did play cards though, my great-grandmother taught me to play card games. I cheated at Solitaire, how lame is that?
3. What is the name of a song you've been singing incorrectly all these years? What were you singing, and what should you have been singing?
I'm really good at lyrics, most of the time, so I can't think of one. I did, however have an embarassing moment when I was about 10, over the song I chose. We were in Key West, and I picked "Why Don't We Get Drunk" by Jimmy Buffett. My dad asked me why I chose that song ("Why don't we get drunk, and screw?" is the hook) and I told him it had a good beat. I really didn't know what the lyrics MEANT at the time, and couldn't figure out why they were laughing at me!!
4. What is the most embarassing childhood story your parents always drag out just to fuck with you for their own private enjoyment?
Um, I had to ask my parents, since they generally don't tease me much (granted, this may change when they meet N in March!!) There was this trip to Cape Cod when I was 11 or so, to visit my grandfather. It was us in one car, and my parents' best friends in another, all with NJ tags. By the time we get to CT I'm bored out of my mind, and pipe up with "LOOK! Another car with NJ plates!!" like it was a miracle of biblical proportions. My dad teased me the rest of the way to the Cape, saying "What are the odds of THAT?!" Then we got there, and I (remember, I'm too old to be having tantrums at this point) had a meltdown, threw myself on the ground, and freaked out. They took a picture of me, and when they showed me later I completely denied it, claiming they were tickling me. My mom found that picture this weekend, I'm sure I'll see lots of it when we visit!!
See? I wasn't always the poised and articulate being you see before you today. Ok, even *I* can't keep a straight face there! I tag no one, but invite everyone, this is a fun meme!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Attack of the meme
Posted by
1/31/2006 08:36:00 AM
Monday, January 30, 2006
Rough and tumble
Right now my children look like abuse victims. I swear these two can get more bumps and bruises than any other beings on this planet. We've already discussed Maddie's inability to sit still, which leads to things like the bruise on her cheek, and the scrapes on her legs. There have been more than a few times the kids have bruises down their spines from jumping off things or falling down. Shane's got a bruise on the side of his nose from a fit last night, as well as bumps and bruises from roller skating yesterday. So, tell me the truth... is it just my kids? I'm just waiting for CPS to come knocking, thinking we've been torturing them. *sigh* How do you teach equilibrium?
Posted by
1/30/2006 10:42:00 AM
"Oh Shit!!" moment of the day
Nothing like an "Oh SHIT!!" moment to get your blood pumping on a Monday. Mine came about 20 minutes ago when I realized I forgot to put my wedding rings back on after my shower. Ok, no biggie, I'll go get them. They aren't where I left them. OH SHIT! Ok, don't panic, they are surely still in here, let's look around. OH SHIT!!!! OHMIGOD OHMIGOD OHMIGOD!! I can't find them!! Fast forward through 20 minutes of frantic searching, and the missing rings were finally located underneath the kids' bath toys. Pass the Xanax, I can't handle this shit! Is it too early to start drinking?
Posted by
1/30/2006 09:17:00 AM
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Idiot of the month
I've decided to do an "Idiot of the week" post, with the stupidest person or people in the news. Since it's the last week of January, these people win for the whole month. From now on, I'll choose 1 of the weekly "winners" for the idiot of the month award. So, if you stumble across something extraordinarily stupid, don't forget to send it my way.
A nice hat tip to MajorDad for this gem. What's the thought process there? "Wow, I'd REALLY like to get that John Deere tattoo, but I don't feel like driving all the way to the tattoo studio. Oh, here's a guy with a homemade machine, he can do it for me!!" (BTW, artists get upset when you call it a tattoo "gun", it's a machine!) So, dipshits in this apartment complex let some door-to-door tattoo guy use his homemade machine to give them some ink, and only God knows what else. Then they got sick. Well, no shit! So, these retards in Springfield, MO win the "Idiot of the Month" for January 2006!! Congrats, and don't forget to take that penicillin.
Posted by
1/28/2006 05:37:00 PM
Friday, January 27, 2006
Love it! (NSFW!!!)
My wonderful hubs told me about the Kid From Brooklyn. Even better, he got the link from a Major in his unit! It's hilarious, check out Bat Day, under Videos. Make sure there are no kids or bosses around, and turn up the speakers.
Posted by
1/27/2006 01:56:00 PM
Be afraid
Host Name
IP Address
Country United States
Region Oregon
City Eugene
ISP U S West Internet Services
If this is you, I'd be VERY careful what you search from now on. You're lucky I don't call the police in Eugene, Oregon on your sicko ass. That is all.
Posted by
1/27/2006 01:52:00 PM
Bite me
I hate my cable company. Thankfully, I have satellite TV, but my fucking internet is always wonky. I hate that there is only one cable company we can use on post, I'd switch to Cox in a heartbeat if I could, but noooooo... Charter has a contract here. So, I pay for shitty service, and have no other choice. Just like Sprint and local phone service, fucking monopolies. Anyway, I'm having an insomniac night, and every time I go to check something out, it takes for-fucking-ever. I'm so not in the mood.
Some random thoughts.
I was watching Maury today, and they had transgender and transexuals on. The one dude, who was born a woman, had changed to a man with hormones and all. The thing is, I think his testosterone levels were too high, because dude was so hairy he looked like he was wearing a sweater. And? He had male pattern baldness. Now, I know MPB comes from genetics, but how the fuck does a biological woman end up with it?! Totally strange.
This post was bad enough when we first moved here, but now we're getting all of the troops back from Iraq, and it's a freaking madhouse. Apparently, people just do not know how to drive, or even live like normal people. There are huge lines everywhere, you'd think they'd hire more clerks in the stores considering the rapid influx of troops, but no... we all must wait for hours to buy Coke or whatever. There is this lady who works at the shoppette up the street, and is slower than molasses. She barely speaks English, and whenever she's on the register I want to punch her in the fucking face, or at scream at her for moving at a snail's pace. People like that make me not want to leave the house.
I need a good book. Any recommendations? The only thing I really don't read is romance.
Posted by
1/27/2006 12:53:00 AM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Head over here and congratulate SJ and her family on their new little boy!!
Posted by
1/26/2006 07:22:00 PM
My Grammy died last night. She was very ill for a while now, and it was only a matter of time, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm really sad, because I can't make it for the funeral, and it's been a while since I last saw her. Please keep my family in your thoughts, especially my Grandad. Thanks.
Posted by
1/26/2006 02:58:00 PM
Avian Flu for you?
A parents board I frequent was discussing the Oprah show on Avian Flu. I didn't see the show, but apparently Oprah was warning us to stock up on food, water, and medications, because there is going to be a pandemic of the bird flu. A few of the members really feel this is a threat, and are sort of freaking out. Personally, I think it's a scare tactic, the US loves a good scare, and tends to freak out over nothing. Of course, fear, like sex, sells. So, what do you think? Are we all going to die of the bird flu, or is this another case of mass hysteria? If bird flu suddenly kicks our country's collective ass, I will be sccrewed, because I have NO intention of stocking up to prepare for it. One of these days there is going to be a real threat, and many of us will ignore it, because we're the country who cried wolf.
Posted by
1/26/2006 08:36:00 AM
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Reason #6,329,871 why I hate KS
I'm tired of the spackle that is in my sinus cavities every morning, and the need to stick Vaseline up my nose every night. This weather sucks. I grew up with cold weather, but I really don't remember this crap. Aren't you glad I'm sharing?
Posted by
1/24/2006 10:19:00 PM
No shit, sherlock
I think most of us have been saying this for a while now. Glad to see someone is starting to take notice.
Posted by
1/24/2006 02:08:00 PM
I swear to you, there is something wrong with my daughter. She's beautiful and sweet, but holy shit, she cannot sit still. Ever. She'll fall over when standing in one spot because she's squirming around in a constant state of motion. Sitting on the couch? She's fidgiting like a crack head. Sitting at the table? She'll fall out of her seat at least 3 times during every meal. I'm beginning to wonder if she has any kind of control over herself, because I've seen meth heads who were calmer. If you ask her to stop, she either ignores you, or says "I'm not dooooing anyfing!!", and shoots you a look like you have a dick growing out of your forehead. Almost all of her bumps and bruises, as well as her broken leg in 2004, were at least partially because she won't. Stop. Moving. Serious issues.
Posted by
1/24/2006 01:28:00 PM
My children and my bank are trying to kill me
They've conspired against me. Apparently, this is "Cause Crystal to stroke out" week, and everyone is in on the fun! The children have learned to block out my voice, therefore they can run around getting into everything they are not supposed to be into, without the hassle of hearing mommy yell. My bank, or the postal service, has decided that the check I sent in to deposit (we bank with a TX bank, because I heart them, or at least I did until this week) is better off in the lost dimension of nothingness. You see, this sizable check was sent last week, the same day I sent out Thank You cards from Christmas. (Shut UP, I'm a slacker!) So, my mom told me that my Grandad received the TY card in NJ, but my bank (approximately 650 miles away) still hasn't received the check. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, except we've had some larger than normal expenses, and without that check my checking account is in double digits. Low double digits. NOT GOOD. So, I freak out, and hope that it appears, or I'll stroke out before payday. That is, if the kids don't kill me before then. Perhaps I should increase my life insurance this afternoon. Gah... I want my mommy.
Oh, yeah... the gliders tried to escape at the shoppette, too. Blood pressure is through the roof! If anyone has any sedatives they'd like to share, please let me know.
Posted by
1/24/2006 12:45:00 PM
Leave a trail of breadcrumbs next time
My next door neighbor came home from Iraq this weekend. Another neighbor had told me he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, and today I saw him in action. He drove down our street, past our houses (we share a carport), and pulled in the driveway 2 houses down. I know he doesn't know them, because they moved in after we did, so I was curious. A few seconds later, he got back in his truck, pulled out of their driveway, and into ours. This guy drove past his own house, with all of the personalized "Welcome Home, Sgt. X" banners, into someone else's driveway, thinking it was his. Wow.
The neighbor of the hosue he pulled into is a friend of mine. I went to say hi to her, and she was outside when he pulled up this morning. He actually didn't believe her when he got out of his car, and she told him it wasn't his house. Wow... genius!
Posted by
1/24/2006 09:09:00 AM
Monday, January 23, 2006
The sound of my head hitting the wall
I am bored. Boooorrrrrrrrreeeeddddddddddd. I'm not bored enough to start cleaning (all housework gets done at night whenever possible), but definitely bored enough to start drooling soon. I've taken to messing with the dog's hair, and if I don't find something to do real soon, I'm going to end up painting her nails. Where'd I put that purple nail polish? Somebody help me!
Posted by
1/23/2006 01:40:00 PM
Bump in the night
Let me set the scene for you. It's 3am, I've just snuggled into bed, but I'm having trouble sleeping. *!*!CRASH*!*!
There is a moment of consideration, like "Do I REALLY need to know what that was?" before I finally get up, grab my glasses, and trudge downstairs. Focusing my eyes in the dim light, I see a furball streak across the computer desk. Mind starts to process that... wait a minute! That's not right. HOLY SHIT! The gliders are loose! I notice one of the doors to the cage is open, and their pouches are empty. I grab a pouch, thinking they'll jump in, but the scoff at the idea. After all, it's playtime!! Ohshit, ohshit, ohshit! I run upstairs, and do the completely reasonable thing. I shake Nate awake, saying "Honey, I need HELP!", nearly giving him a stroke and causing him to shit his pants at the same time. "Sorry about that, no one is killing us, but the gliders are LOOSE!" So, we managed to get one of them back into the cage on their own, and lure the other with a mealworm. (Which, btw, was the crash... they knocked over the mealworm container, and broke it.) All is back to normal, except N's heart rate, and we head back to bed. Aren't you glad you don't live at my house?
Posted by
1/23/2006 09:16:00 AM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Miss Alien
The new Miss America?
She looks like a freaking alien. (Though we love her, because she's a Sooner!!) Her eyes are set too far apart or something, I can't put my finger on it, but there were MUCH prettier women in that pageant. We watched about 5 minutes of it, and the girls were saying how they wanted to eat when it was over. Honey, have a french fry. It won't kill you. Why are we telling little girls that the way to be beautiful is to starve yourself? I know it's the age old question, but I was surprised at how blatant they were about it last night. So, congrats Miss Alien from Oklahoma (or as Shane says it "Omahoma") I hope you enjoyed your post-pageant binge.
Posted by
1/22/2006 08:38:00 PM
The taxman givith, and the taxman taketh away
As I was filing our taxes the other day, I pondered the tax system. Let me say first, the IRS is not the agency I want to fuck with. They don't scare me, but they make me uneasy, because one mistake and those guys will be on you faster than an angry loan shark. So, I respect their authority and do what I'm told, so to speak. If you work for the IRS, please don't audit me. Anyway, I was thinking about the dollar, and the way we're taxed. I have this theory that every dollar is eventually taxed out. Follow me on this journey, walk with me here...
I make $1.00. I use that dollar to buy something, and pay tax on my purchase. Let's say sales tax is 8%, so 8 cents is tax. (For those of you that flunked basic math) The store then has to pay tax on their income, so more of the dollar is gone. Another portion of the dollar goes to the company that manufactured the goods, and they pay income tax on it as well. Yet another portion of the dollar goes to pay Sally, who works at the store, and Jane, who works at the manufacturing plant. They both pay income tax on their part. Everyone in the scenario (except me, because I spent my whole dollar) then goes on to use their portions (after tax) to purchase goods, and pay tax on those. The cycle continues, until eventually there is nothing left of the dollar, the taxman has it all. Make sense?
**All of this is without taking into account tax brackets, shelters, and refunds. We're just talking basics here, so please don't jump on me about the politics of it all.**
So, logically, it can't possibly happen like this, but it seems like it must. After all, I pay taxes on income, taxes on the things I buy with the income, and so on. So, for those of you who majored in economics, can you give me some insight here? Sure, I should have paid close attention in school, but then what would would I blog about?
Posted by
1/22/2006 01:29:00 AM
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Never-stay-at-home mom
I am a SAHM. This is usually a wonderful thing, but it can also be the hardest job imaginable. So, today I went and registered my children for day care. No, I'm not getting a job... I'm putting my children in day care for a couple hours a week, so I can do whatever the hell I like during that brief period of time. (There are parenting Nazis writing me emails right now. Please refer to my hate mail policy if you choose to proceed with your ranting. Thank you!!) Yes, you read that correctly, the kids will go to day care so I can relax. GASP!! After I had a slight mental breakdown, my wonderful and amazing husband decided I needed a break, and that the price of hourly day care is a pittance when weighed against my sanity. So, time to fess up. How many of you SAHMs have some kind of help, be it a relative who takes the kids so you can grocery shop in peace, a babysitter who comes so you can hide out and write, or a daycare where they can participate in activities you don't have to clean up? If you don't, do you wish you could? On the other side of the fence, do you think it's selfish and damning my children to a life of therapy? (It's ok if you do, I'm willing to take that chance.) For you SAHMs (or dads!) what is your day like? Do you feel like pulling your hair out at the end of the day, or are you just skipping along in a joy of parenting? I don't know about the rest of you, but I have NO idea how to play with preschoolers. They spend most of their day playing with each other, because I haven't got the slightest idea how to entertain them. And for that matter, why do I feel the NEED to entertain them? Who made me cruise director? No one entertained me at that age, and I was an only child! I'm begining to think we parents have just lost sight of reality, and are beating ourselves up over nothing.
Posted by
1/19/2006 02:36:00 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
From Cori to Katy to me
Cori and Katy took it, so I jumped on the bandwagon. I'm 3% stupid according to this test. How about you?
Posted by
1/17/2006 10:06:00 PM
A matter of opinion
We found out something this weekend that has really been on my mind. I'm interested in your opinions, especially those of you who are or have been divorced.
A friend's ex-wife has custody of their 2 year old son, and lives many states away. She's been dating a convicted sex offender, and has introduced him to her son. Our friend is obviously horrified by this, and very concerned for his child. Now, I know it mentions sex offenders in my divorce decree, to the effect of the parent must notify the other parent if they marry or live with a convicted offender. Unfortunately, that doesn't apply for dating one. I asked our friend what this guy was convicted of, because that can make a difference. Some convicted and registered offenders are "Romeo and Juliet" offenders, an 18 year old dating a 16 year old, or whatever. Not this guy, he was convicted of molesting a child(ren). Whoa. Now, as a mother, I can't imagine dating someone that I knew molested children. What could she be thinking?? I told our friend he needs to take her to court, and gain custody of his son, now!! This is just appalling!
Now for the opinion part. Do you think this situation should be covered by a divorce/custody agreement? Do you think it should be permitted, an adult should be allowed to date whomever they want? Should it be an automatic cause for loss of custody? Personally, I think we have a hard enough time protecting our children from those we don't know are molesters, why in the hell would we invite one into our lives? What happens if this child is harmed by this sick fucker? Nothing can erase that! And even if I were single and childless, I don't think I could get into bed with someone who likes to touch children. That's a special kind of sicko, and I'd want no part of it! Ok, go ahead... sound off.
Posted by
1/17/2006 02:11:00 PM
Monday, January 16, 2006
FX decided back in November (it slipped under my radar) that is would not be renewing "Over There". I'm crushed, I LOVED that show! They renewed "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", which I thought was a stupid show, yet axed such an awesome drama. Excuse my while I go console myself with chocolates.
Posted by
1/16/2006 01:26:00 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Um, hi. I'd write, but I have nothing. to. say. We went out Thursday night, and my body kicked my ass for it. After running around on Friday, and recovering yesterday, I finally feel normal again. We're busy bonding with the new "babies", who are even cuter than their pictures, and they are warming up to us nicely. We had a houseful of infantry guys today, for football and lasagna. The Colts lost, which was a shocking blow to N. That about sums it up. See? Nothing to talk about. Well, that's a lie, I was going to blog about the kid who was shot by the SWAT team in FL, but haven't gotten to it. Here's the reader's digest version of my rant. Kid was old enough to know better, shouldn't have taken ANY gun to school, especially not a gun made to look real. Once the police showed up, he definitely knew better than to brandish it towards them. Duh. We wouldn't be in an uproar about this if the kid had done somthing like lay on the train tracks and been killed. What he did was equally stupid, and I have no sympathy at all. None. I hope his parents don't get a red cent in lawsuits (which I'm sure will be filed shortly).What are your thoughts?
Posted by
1/15/2006 11:34:00 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Thursday Things
Want a cool new read? Go check out MDMHVONPA and his Twin Tyrants over at White Lightining Axiom: Redux. I love his site, probably because his twins are the same age as mine, and put us to task with equal vigor. The difference? He's better at writing the tales. Go, shoo... check him out! Oh, and say hi for me!!
Posted by
1/12/2006 10:56:00 AM
Our new additions!!
Meet the newest additions to our little family! We're adopting these little guys from a wonderful woman in the area. We meet our new sugar gliders tomorrow afternoon, and I'm beside myself with excitement!! Who wouldn't be... aren't they cute?? Fred and Ginger are twins, they are about 1 year out of pouch, and very bonded to each other. I hope they love their new home with us!!
Posted by
1/12/2006 10:04:00 AM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Better late than never!!
Hey you... yeah you, behind that rock! Did you know it is National De-Lurking week? last year we had a measly little day, but this year we're de-lurking (it is SO a word, Sheryl said so!!!) for a whole WEEK! Except, it's Wednesday and I'm just getting to my de-lurking post, so I get a half week. Either way, that means all (10) of you who stumble over here from time to time need to stop being shy, and say hello!! Help a girl out here, if you don't comment, it starts to look like I'm talking to myself. You know what they do with people who talk to themselves, dontcha?
Posted by
1/11/2006 07:53:00 AM
Monday, January 09, 2006
Monkey business
Only in this family:
I had told my MIL that N and I had kissed and made up after a little bickering. She emailed me back with "Woohooo! Kissin + makin up = more little apes??" That's love right there... with a desire for more grandkids mixed in. I know I'm lucky to have such a cool relationship with Nate's mom, even if she does have ulterior motives.
Posted by
1/09/2006 03:29:00 PM
Feelin' fine
Thanks for all of your well wishes, I'm feeling better today. The kids are still driving me nuts, but that's their job, right? I hope y'all are having a good day!! Dont forget, if you know anyone from Wisconsin, you can bring them some culture and teach them to dance!! Fun for the whole family!
Posted by
1/09/2006 01:16:00 PM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Beware: I bite!!
I'm just really not in a good mood tonight. I don't want to talk to anyone, except my Cori, and she's not around. (Of course, I mean this as no offense to my friends both IRL and in my computer, it's just the foul mood I'm in!! *muah* Love y'all!) The kids have been rotten all week, I'm none too impressed with any adults right now either, and all in all I'm ready for Monday, a chance to at least start fresh!! In the meantime, I suggest running in the other direction if you see me, unless you are coming to lavish me with gifts and Starbucks. I prefer mocha fraps with at least 1 extra shot of espresso, and caramel drizzle. Just so you know.
Posted by
1/07/2006 11:25:00 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
Meet Your New Mommy **Updated**
We're watching "Trading Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy". The mom from Ft. Lauderdale, FL went to a Wisconsin farm. She's got a hairstyle and clothes from the 1980s, and an attitude that would make you want to slap her. Since arriving in Wisconsin, she's talked down to the teenage kids about the house, brought out a bag of children's books, and children's books written in English and French, telling them they are going to learn French, and learn about culture, made the family run at the crack of dawn rather than do their chores, freaked out trying to revive a dead chicken, and "taught" the kids the Electric Slide. The best part?
"They don't have dancing in Wisconsin. We play music in Florida and dance, I just want to bring a little culture to this family."
HOLY CRAP! Did you know they don't have DANCING in WISCONSIN!! They've never heard music either, and the animals in Wisconsin "aren't used to the heat" like she is, since she's from FLORIDA. The woman is INSANE.... and no one will say anything to her!! She's just going on and on and on about how much she's helping these people. The family seriously hates her, but is too polite to say "Stop insulting us, we're not 3, nor do we live in a bush in a 3rd world country. Thanks!"
If you are on the west coast, you totally need to watch this tonight!!!
Update: For those of you who missed it, the second half is next Friday. You have GOT to catch the end of this one!
Posted by
1/06/2006 06:38:00 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Motivational Speaker
Maddie is upstairs singing "Shaney's a winner, Lyssa's a winner, Shaney's a winner, Lyssa's a winner. All MYYYYYY friends are winNNNNNEEEERRRRRRRRSSSSS!!!"
They're supposed to be cleaning, so why isn't she singing the clean-up song?
Posted by
1/05/2006 02:57:00 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
One of our toilets started leaking this weekend, with a suspected cracked tank. N turned off the water, and called housing to put in a work order for it. Cool beans, they weren't sure if anyone would be working yesterday (this was not an "emergency" since we have 2 bathrooms) so it would probably be early this morning when someone came to fix it. I remembered this while I was in the shower, and prayed I hadn't missed the maintenance guy. Jump out, towel off, and head downstairs to the laundry room (in a towel) to get my robe from the dryer. No sooner do I pull the robe out than the doorbell rings. SHIT! I wrap up tight in my robe, take a deep breath, and open the door. I was expecting our usual maintenance man, he's a really nice older guy, I wouldn't feel too compelled to crawl under a rock and die. Um, no... it's some guy I've never seen before, about my age, and looking completely shocked to see me standing there, looking like a drowned rat. "Good morning, it's blatantly obvious I just stepped out of the shower, be very grateful my husband bought me this nice long robe for Christmas. The broken toilet is up there, excuse me while I get some freaking clothes, and wring out my hair. Thanks!" Actually, that's what I should have said, but mostly I just stammered and pointed like an idiot. The best part? The tank IS cracked (duh, didn't we tell them that??), therefore Mr. Repair Guy will be back at 3 to replace it.
Ugh, this is just not my day...
Posted by
1/03/2006 07:57:00 AM
Monday, January 02, 2006
Dogtags and DFAS
Some military tidbits are on my mind tonight, so you'll have to bear with me.
You know you're a military wife when you break a sweat feeding body armor through the sewing machine, all the while cursing because you know you'll be ripping the rank back off in a month. (I'm NOT complaining, the promotion is worth it!)
While we're on the topic of sewing crap onto gear... it drives me INSANE when the nametags and rank are not the same color as the gear (tan on green, etc). Also irritating? The body armor is often in green camo, but worn over DCUs (desert uniforms). Doesn't that just negate any camoflauging the uniforms provided? Hell, soon they'll all be wearing the new ACUs, which look like a computer threw up on you, and NOTHING will match. This irritates my Virgo type-A personality.
There is some TEENY, TINY print on N's LES (that's like a paystub for you civilian folk) that says his life insurance premiums went up a buck, for traumatic injury protection. I mean, it's only a dollar, but would it kill these people to let us know what the "protection" is? I mean, what if we're paying a dollar to find out they will give us 75 cents in the event of a "traumatic injury"? Why do I have to ask the Google Gods these things?!
The artillary at night doesn't bother me, I rarely notice it anymore. However, if the kid next door doesn't stop revving his engine, and idling with that fart can muffler on his POS Honda, I may kill him. We get it, your dick is huge because you have a 4 cylinder "race" car that's as old as you are. Knock it off already!!
Hyphenated house numbers suck. I'm tired of explaining "No, DASH 1, not apartment 1."
I love hearing TAPS at the end of the night...
Men in uniform are hot. And don't get me started on the guys carrying rifles. Yum!
I'm really excited to pin my husband next month. I REALLY wish I could teach someone else to take a decent picture with my camera, I may just pick up a disposable for the occasion. Prepare for lots of pictures and cheesy gushing.
Posted by
1/02/2006 11:02:00 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
High Resolution
It's that time again, time to make your resolutions for the new year. I'm not very good at keeping resolutions of any kind, let alone ones made for a whole year. This year, instead of making some extravagant list of things I'm committed to doing, I've embraced the idea of baby steps. I'm working on one resolution, which I began yesterday. I'm not revealing it yet, because that would hold me accountable, and I don't need the extra guilt on my mind. I've got enough guilt to last me until 2010, thankyouverymuch. However, I AM making some short and long term rewards for myself, so every time I think of quitting I say "I want XM radio." That's my 6 month reward, so I should be listening o commercial-free goodness by July. N says I should try to think of the most obnoxious, make-you-want-to-pierce-your-eardrums commercial on the radio, and how I never want to hear it again. Oddly enough, the worst one I could think of was from the car dealership we worked for in TX, it's truely nauseating. I want XM, I want XM, I want XM.... chant with me...
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1/01/2006 05:21:00 PM