I am a SAHM. This is usually a wonderful thing, but it can also be the hardest job imaginable. So, today I went and registered my children for day care. No, I'm not getting a job... I'm putting my children in day care for a couple hours a week, so I can do whatever the hell I like during that brief period of time. (There are parenting Nazis writing me emails right now. Please refer to my hate mail policy if you choose to proceed with your ranting. Thank you!!) Yes, you read that correctly, the kids will go to day care so I can relax. GASP!! After I had a slight mental breakdown, my wonderful and amazing husband decided I needed a break, and that the price of hourly day care is a pittance when weighed against my sanity. So, time to fess up. How many of you SAHMs have some kind of help, be it a relative who takes the kids so you can grocery shop in peace, a babysitter who comes so you can hide out and write, or a daycare where they can participate in activities you don't have to clean up? If you don't, do you wish you could? On the other side of the fence, do you think it's selfish and damning my children to a life of therapy? (It's ok if you do, I'm willing to take that chance.) For you SAHMs (or dads!) what is your day like? Do you feel like pulling your hair out at the end of the day, or are you just skipping along in a joy of parenting? I don't know about the rest of you, but I have NO idea how to play with preschoolers. They spend most of their day playing with each other, because I haven't got the slightest idea how to entertain them. And for that matter, why do I feel the NEED to entertain them? Who made me cruise director? No one entertained me at that age, and I was an only child! I'm begining to think we parents have just lost sight of reality, and are beating ourselves up over nothing.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Never-stay-at-home mom
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1/19/2006 02:36:00 PM
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