Like the new digs? I think Laura, from Swank Web Style did an amazing job. So, a big thank you to Laura, for putting up with me, and I highly suggest you check them out when considering a blog makeover. Their talented designers, great prices, and quick service make them tops in my book!!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Posted by
2/27/2006 03:43:00 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
George Bush: Heaven or Hell?
A friend, and fellow Texan, posted this on a message board, so I had to share. Note the factoid at the bottom, it's sickening.
Now for a public service announcement...
Red Bull and Blue Curacao, plus Corona and lime do not do a body good. Everything SEEMED Kosher last night, but I assure you it is not this morning. Happy hangover...
Posted by
2/26/2006 10:29:00 AM
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Too funny
Nate came home from work today (why yes, they DID have to go in at 0545 today, we were SO pleased about that!) and told me to read this. For anyone who knows the life of a squad leader, I promise you'll laugh your ass off. Some high points? Counseling for failure to make coffee for the dayhos, snobishness, when the counselee is the counselors sexual partner, and counseling armed soldiers, and counseling lieutenants. I almost cried when reading the part about LTs. It wouldn't be as funny if it wasn't so damn true.
Posted by
2/25/2006 10:55:00 AM
Friday, February 24, 2006
A true sign of being swamped.
Most of my Bloglines subscriptions had 15 or more posts unread. I suck, bigtime. And I only made it through half of them tonight, but look!!! Something SHINY!!
Posted by
2/24/2006 09:08:00 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
A little excitement to jumpstart the night
Ok, as if there wasn't enough going on around here, I was TRYING to get some cleaning done, and went to the car to get the XM receiver, so I'd have some tunes to keep me entertained. Hmmmm.... there are an awful lot of MPs on my street. Huh... well, maybe there was an argument. No... wait... there are 2 MPs standing at the end of my driveway. Nosy me, I ask if everything is ok.
"Yes Ma'am, but we need you to stay in your house. There's been a bomb threat."
"Um, I was just going to get something from my car. Bomb threat... um, do we need to leave?? My kids are sleeping in there!"
"Well, you are less than 200ft, hold on... where is the kids' bedroom? (I point above us) Let me talk to my partner, to see what we should do."
I go inside, wake N up, who is OUT COLD from a new medication he's taking, meanwhile the MPs knock on my door and tell us we SHOULD in fact evacuate for a while, until they get the dogs out and figure everything out. UM... HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
We grabbed the kids, and went to Yeida's, 3 blocks away. Poor doll was asleep, she got up and let us all crash until the police finally called and said we could come home, about an hour later. I have NO idea what happened, or how it started, I guess I'll have to read about it in the post paper, but DAMN... what a way to find out... do you think they could have given me a courtesy knock on the door or something, considering we may have been in danger?? It's been a bad month here, shootings on post, escaped soldier who was under court martial, an attempted murder, now this. Welcome home, boys... let the fun begin!!
Posted by
2/22/2006 09:34:00 PM
Just to prove my mind has officially left the building
Ok, I go to check my gmail acct, and notice that it seems all of a sudden decided to send me the last 3 weeks worth of newsletters, WTF is up with that?? So, I delete them, still confused by the occurance, and then realize I've apparently emailed myself. It wasn't until AFTER I deleted the email from myself that I realized my husband had never logged out, and I was looking at his inbox. Um, wow... it only took me 2 minutes to figure that out, I might still be in the running for "Idiot of the Week".
Posted by
2/22/2006 07:20:00 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I'm still alive and not ignoring you!
The total lack in comments lately is probably because I haven't been visiting your sites, and have been pretty MIA lately. I am SO behind on my Bloglines feeds that I am afraid to even look, but don't worry, I'll have plenty of time to catch up this weekend. In the meantime, I've been swamped with real life, my ex husband is coming to visit the kids (thus the extra time this weekend, I'll have no mini-tyrants running around!) and I've got a stack of paperwork as tall as I am for my little fender bender last week. Gotta love insurance!! So, I promise, I'll come see all of you, really I do still heart everyone!! In the meantime, some interesting things of my day... I found an Iraqi 10,000 dinar with Saddam on it in one of my old notebooks, (no I won't tell you where I got it), in mint condition. I'm sure it's something collectors might be interested in, but to me it's just this bizarre and interesting piece of paper that I'd forgotten I had. I used to have monies from all over the world, because my grandfather worked overseas and would collect such things for me, and I have no idea what ever happened to them, guess a call to mom is in order. A discussion on geneology on another site prompted me to renew (or rather upgrade to an adult membership) my registration in the Mayflower Society, and to start the papers for my children to be registered, which is just more paperwork "fun". I seem to enjoy making my life complicated, but I figure I owe it to my children and the rest of my family who did the research on our lineage to keep up with it. I know Ammie is interested in such things, I'm sure some of you have also looked deep into your family tree. Any interesting ties out there? Spring cleaning has begun, and I keep stubmling across the strangest things, things I had either forgotten about, or never realized I had, which is surprising since we've moved so much recently. Speaking of moving, N and I are discussing his career options, schools, assignments, just general direction of the next couple years to further his Army career. Throwing a nice little bit of spice to that is the brand new regs on tattoos, allowing tattoos on hands and necks (previously not allowed, although exceptions were sometimes made like N's wedding ring being tattooed on) and now he wants to get his hands worked on. It's hard because it's a passion of his, but it doesn't always appeal, the tattoos he has now have caused him to meet poor reactions in professional situations, any more visible tattoos can make or break a promotion or job offer, even the article in Army Times discussed the cons of it for NCOs. Ahhhh, the world of body mod... will it ever be fully accepted? Probably not, and that's ok, we like standing out. Speaking of which, I keep asking N how long it's going to feel as if I have a fish hook in my face, he's never had a lip piercing, and Jake had one get infected, so meanwhile I'm seriously wondering how insane I am to subject myself to such pain. Note to self, facial piercings do not heal easily. I don't remember having this much trouble with my tongue, but then again it was right around my 21st, and I spent a lot of time intoxicated. This post has been brought to you by my completely scattered mind (I'm seriously more out of it than usual this month, and cannot wait for March... this has been the month from HELL), once again proving you really are taking a peek into my insanity. I'm off to catch up on some email... anyone have suggestions for "Idiot of the Week" yet??
Posted by
2/21/2006 09:47:00 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
One Smack Only
I submitted myself over at IT2M to get smacked, and found the review up today. Ok, so it was bad, only one smack... I'm bummed, but hoping to get resmacked with some changes to the site. Of course, you don't get to pick your reviewer, and I got the one I would least like to choose if given the chance, but hey, no use crying over it, right?? Anyway, thanks to the Bitches for the traffic, although I have to say I AM pissed no one had anything to say for Randy and the other fallen soldiers I had devoted the previous post to. I'm probably just a little sensitive about that because it should have been Nate. There's a long and personal story behind that, but Nate wasn't supposed to be out of the Army at that time, Randy was his "replacement", and my husband is alive today because only because another man is not. Pay a little fucking respect to those men and women, they aren't just names on a list.
Posted by
2/20/2006 08:15:00 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
For Randy *UPDATED*
We just had to look up the exact information on the death of one of Nate's friends and former soldier, so we could have a memorial bracelet made. I never had the pleasure of meeting this young man, but he was my age when he died, just barely an adult, but fully a hero. Nate had the pleasure of serving with, training, and pinning Randy to Sergeant, Randy actually took over Nate's position in their squad when N left.
This post is for SSG* Randy Rosenberg, of Berlin, NH, who is survived by his young widow Misty, and so many friends and family who love him dearly.
KIA 2004Jan24 Khalidiyah, Iraq by a Vehicle-based IED. SSG Rosenberg was assigned to B co 1/9 Cav, Fort Hood,TX
*promoted to Staff Sergeant post-humously for his honorable service and ultimate sacrifice.
This isn't the only person Nate or I know who lost their lives in Iraq, and I'm sure most of you know at least one as well, so remember each and every one of the 2273 2276 soldiers who have died to date.
They haven't been forgotten.
Posted by
2/19/2006 11:35:00 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Idiot of the Week 2/13-2/19 Part 2
Tax breaks up to $25,000.00 for people who buy gas guzzling SUVs like the Hummer and the Excursion. No, that wasn't a typo, the $3,100 tax rebates for people doing the responsible thing and buying Hybrids are a mere drop in the bucket considering the $$$ AND "prestige" of driving the Big Boys. The shared Idiot of the Week award goes to the Republicans who thought up that idea. I may be biased, but I think this actually TRUMPS my self-piercing, making me runner-up. Let's take a vote!!
Posted by
2/18/2006 06:58:00 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Lips part 2 AND Idiot of the Week 2/13-2/19!!!!
I went and had the other side of my lip done last night, by a PROFESSIONAL, and it is coming along much better. So, in light of my incredible stupidity in insisting N pierce me himself, I am awarding Idiot of the Week to myself!! I may add a bonus IOTW if I come across anything INCREDIBLY stupid, but for now, I take the cake. I'll post pictures as the swelling from the home iercing subsides.
Posted by
2/16/2006 01:58:00 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Patience is a virtue, Stupidity is a curse
Patience is not something I have a lot of. I had decided this week to finally get my lip pierced. Normally this wouldn't present a problem, except there are about 6 places in a 40 mile radius, and they all open and close at stupid hour. (Monday and Tuesday noon-8, Thursday -Sunday noon -8 kind of thing)
We'll Nate and I have had our share of time in body mod studios. We've seen this done, it did a little research, and decided we could to it ourselves. I wanted to go get a piercing gun from Walmart, but N didn't feel comfortable doing it that way, so a thick needle won out. Can I just say OWWWWWW??????
We had trouble getting the hoop in, and finally gave up op the capture bead and just closed off the hoop instead. Did I mention ow?? Yeah.... so N feels really bad, but I practically begged him to do it, so I'm really no mad. Just sore. Send popsicles.
Christine asked for it... blame her if you are grossed out!!!
Update: Shortly after taking this picture, something told me it was not a good idea to keep it in, so I took it out, and will let the professionals handle it next time. The only shitty pat=rt if having so few parlors in this area!!
Posted by
2/15/2006 12:10:00 AM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Idiot of the Week for 2/6-2/12
I almost forgot, y'll need to remind me and send me stories!!! Since I'm late on this one, I'm awarding our esteemed Vice President as Idiot of the Week, for shooting one of his buddies on a quail hunting trip. Quail are smallish birds, right? How do you mistake a small bird for GROWN MAN, that you know is with your party?? DUH!! Maybe he needs his eyes checked. At least there was a medical team there, since they are part of Dick's entourage in case his heart gives out again.
Posted by
2/12/2006 11:18:00 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tagged, part 1 ***Repost for Phil***
Major Dad tagged me with this meme (and Phil tagged me again!!), and I have nothing to talk about, so I cheerfully abliged. BTW, go check out Phil's site. He's a soldier, and although he and I don't agree on too much, he has a very interesting site about life on the "inside".
Four jobs I've held in my life: Deli clerk, bartender, sales rep, and customer service in a call center.
Four movies I could watch over and over: As Good As it Gets, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Lady and the Tramp (yes! the Disney version!!), um... that's it. I'm not a big movie buff.
Four places I've lived: Tabernacle, NJ; West Palm Beach, FL; Fort Hood/Killeen, TX; Fort Riley, KS
Four TV shows I love to watch: Roseanne (reruns on Nick at Nite!), Desperate Housewives, Over There, Wheel Of Fortune (I kick total ass at that game!)
Four websites I visit daily:,, my online banking,
Four of my favorite foods: Pizza, crispy chicken salad, manicotti, brownies
Four places I'd rather be: Texas, New Jersey, the Florida Keys, hanging out with Cori
Four albums I can't live without: What the hell are albums? (KIDDING!! Don't throw things at me!) Under the Table and Dreaming~ Dave Matthews Band, Before These Crowded Streets~ DMB, Live at Red Rocks~ DMB, Crash~ DMB (Can you tell I'm a huge fan?!)
So, I tag you. Yes, *you*! Leave me a comment if you play along.
Posted by
2/08/2006 08:40:00 PM
Once again, the search results amaze me. I had not 1 or 2, but 10 different hits for $e*ual relations with one's mom, or admiration of one's mother's a$$. EWWWWWWWW. What the FU{K is wrong with people?!?!?!
Posted by
2/08/2006 04:17:00 PM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A lag
You'll probably see a lag in postings for a little while. One of my best friends is getting a divorce, and moving back "home", so my days are spent dealing with insurance from my accident, and crying my eyes out. If you come here looking for happiness and sunshine this week, you might as well keep on moving. I promise I'll be back in the near future, so in the meantime, check out some of my commentors' blogs, and stuff on my blogroll. Oh, and send me idiot of the week submissions, I could use a good laugh.
Posted by
2/07/2006 03:29:00 PM
Monday, February 06, 2006
Another do-over
Today, while dropping off donations for the Disabled Veterans thrift store, I backed into someone. It's my first accident, she wasn't in her vehicle, so luckily she wasn't hurt. My van has just a bit of surface damage to the rear right quarter panel, but her car's whole left taillight housing was ripped out. I almost cried, she was sweet about it, but I've never been so embarassed.So, we'll be dealing with the insurance company this week! Yay!! Also, we got newe id cards, and the lady who worked there was SO evil, I ended up complaining to the manager, and demanding an apology. She was called in to apologize, and her apology consisted of looking away from me, and saying "Im sorry, but.... blah blah blah". I told her I'd appreciate an apology without the "buts": we have a thing in our house that apologies don't come with "buts". She begrudgingly apologized, and I took what I could get. The supervisor told me he wants to fire her, but being a goverment employee it's nearly impossible, so I guess this isn't the fisrt incident. I'm goign to apply for a G pay job, those people make decent money, and I can do a MUCH better job than many of them. Asshats!!!
Then, I cancelled my Children's Place card, and had N cancel one of his higher interest cards. Hr spent 73 miinutes on hold, he was *going* to keep the care if they would match our rates from other cards, but after over and hour on hold, there was basically notihng they they could use to retain him. Oh, well, their loss!!
We cut Shane's hair back into a mohawk, per his request, and he looks SO cute!! All in all, it's not been a fun day, and I'm ready to go hide for the rest of the week,
Posted by
2/06/2006 10:49:00 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The winner for "Idiot of the Week"
And the winner is....
Mr. Pot Dealer!!!
If you didn't catch the story, and 18 year old called the police in Utah because someone broke into his house and stole the pot he had intended to sell. The robber had broken a window and cut his arm. The police caught the guy, and called the "owner" to come identify the weed. He did, and was promptly arrested for possession in a drug-free zone with intent to distribute. DUUUUUHHHH!!!!
Posted by
2/04/2006 12:46:00 PM
Friday, February 03, 2006
In the crosshairs
I looooooooove The Childrens Place clothing. However, there are thousands of children near most military bases, yet TCP never builds a store less than 40 minutes away. OK, fine, there is the website, which is shitty at best. When you finally get fed up, and drive out tho bumfuck to get to the clothes (which are affordable, and well made, they usually last my kids a full year if we buy a bit big), you're happy to just get what you need and leave. Well, I have a TCP credit card. It's issued by a bank that is another word for metropolis. This means you call one number for TCP issues/orders, and another for credit card issues. THEN they have this program that you can earn points, and be issued a 10% off pass after a certain amount of money spent. This involves yet ANOTHER number, because there are invariably problems with using your rewards. So, even with all the stresses, I LOOOOOOOVE their clothes, and buy them almost exclusively for my children. Now, with my CC, I asked for a credit increase a couple months ago, and was denied, even though I have NEVER been late, and often pay off in full. (My divorce ruined my other credit, but this card and a few others are spotless) So, I spend hundreds a year, to be given the run around when I need assistance with an order, and then I'm denied a measly $200 more in credit. I. Am. Pissed. So, I made my final payment tonight, and when their banker's hours open next week, I'll be telling them where to shove their goddamn card. What ever happened to taking care of the customer? What happened to treating them with respect, and giving them advantages for being a good customer. Three years of faithful spending with these people, and they don't give a shit about me, so fuck them. P I S S E D!!!! I guess I'll buy off Ebay, or find another company who knows how to treat good customers. So, this is to make up for all of the wonderful recommendations I've made to other moms, encouraging them to shop at this store. Don't bother, you aren't worth shit to them.
Posted by
2/03/2006 07:41:00 PM
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Idiot of the Week 1/30-2/5/2006
I am going to go a little early with the idiot of the week this week, because my weekend is going to be insane. I'm still taking stories, so if you've come across anything extra stupid, pass it on to me!! For now, the nominees are Mr. "Someone stole my pot" (a quick nod to Phil on that one), Miss "check forger who can't spell" (sadly enough, I know someone who made that mistake forging military documents) and 100 Swiss policemen who don't have a clue amongst them. Who do you think the award should go to? I'll take votes in comments until tomorrow afternoon!!
Posted by
2/02/2006 10:17:00 AM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Houston?? **updated**
We have a problem. You see, we were planning on buying a big screen TV on Friday, just in time for Super Bowl. We're hosting a SB party here, and N got a little excited and invited every. one. we. know. I'm serious, if you HAVEN'T been invited, it's only because you haven't run into N in the last week. So, we're planning on squeezing half of Fort Riley into our small house, but the "main attraction" was the TV. Except everyone in this state apparently had the same ambitions, and there are NONE of the TVs that we wanted, in our price range, ANYWHERE in 150 miles. (Well, I can't say none, because I plan on hunting one down tomorrow, if I have to rent it from one of those rental places.) Oh, shit. So, I get to spend the next 2 days desperately calling every retailer in NE Kansas, hoping to find a TV. Shit, shit, shit. Actually, fuck, fuck, fuck. I think this dilemma calls for a "fuck!" or three. As if the rest of the party prep, plus N being in the field wasn't enough!!
On a brighter note, he was promoted today, I got to attend the ceremony, pin him, AND stick him with the pins. (Tradition, but some people complained like little whiners, so the military doesn't allow it as "hazing" anymore, but I'm not military, so bite me) It was a pretty cool experience for me, I am so proud!!
Update: Problem solved, thanks to our friendly Ripoff Rent-a-center. I figure a 1 month rental (the minimum allowed) for under $200 is a small price to pay to save my husband's ass (and mine by proxy) from humiliation. Happy Super Bowl everyone! Party at my house!!
Posted by
2/01/2006 09:14:00 PM
Is the job REALLY that bad?
I cannot figure out this whole "postal shooting" thing. Apparently, a former postal employee killed a bunch of people at a mail processing plant, then herself, this week. Another victim, her neighbor, has been found as well. So, what is it with these people?! Why do postal workers lose their shit and kill everyone?! What is so freaking stressful about that job that they need to start shooting people? I think it's been a while since a mail worker went looney, I was a kid when the term "go postal" was really popular. So, what gives? Why all the disgruntled employees? They get paid well (considering it's not a job that requires much education), get good benefits, and a hell of a pension plan... I just don't get it. My job is harder than that, and the pay fucking sucks. Any postal employees want to chime in on this?
Posted by
2/01/2006 08:29:00 AM