The total lack in comments lately is probably because I haven't been visiting your sites, and have been pretty MIA lately. I am SO behind on my Bloglines feeds that I am afraid to even look, but don't worry, I'll have plenty of time to catch up this weekend. In the meantime, I've been swamped with real life, my ex husband is coming to visit the kids (thus the extra time this weekend, I'll have no mini-tyrants running around!) and I've got a stack of paperwork as tall as I am for my little fender bender last week. Gotta love insurance!! So, I promise, I'll come see all of you, really I do still heart everyone!! In the meantime, some interesting things of my day... I found an Iraqi 10,000 dinar with Saddam on it in one of my old notebooks, (no I won't tell you where I got it), in mint condition. I'm sure it's something collectors might be interested in, but to me it's just this bizarre and interesting piece of paper that I'd forgotten I had. I used to have monies from all over the world, because my grandfather worked overseas and would collect such things for me, and I have no idea what ever happened to them, guess a call to mom is in order. A discussion on geneology on another site prompted me to renew (or rather upgrade to an adult membership) my registration in the Mayflower Society, and to start the papers for my children to be registered, which is just more paperwork "fun". I seem to enjoy making my life complicated, but I figure I owe it to my children and the rest of my family who did the research on our lineage to keep up with it. I know Ammie is interested in such things, I'm sure some of you have also looked deep into your family tree. Any interesting ties out there? Spring cleaning has begun, and I keep stubmling across the strangest things, things I had either forgotten about, or never realized I had, which is surprising since we've moved so much recently. Speaking of moving, N and I are discussing his career options, schools, assignments, just general direction of the next couple years to further his Army career. Throwing a nice little bit of spice to that is the brand new regs on tattoos, allowing tattoos on hands and necks (previously not allowed, although exceptions were sometimes made like N's wedding ring being tattooed on) and now he wants to get his hands worked on. It's hard because it's a passion of his, but it doesn't always appeal, the tattoos he has now have caused him to meet poor reactions in professional situations, any more visible tattoos can make or break a promotion or job offer, even the article in Army Times discussed the cons of it for NCOs. Ahhhh, the world of body mod... will it ever be fully accepted? Probably not, and that's ok, we like standing out. Speaking of which, I keep asking N how long it's going to feel as if I have a fish hook in my face, he's never had a lip piercing, and Jake had one get infected, so meanwhile I'm seriously wondering how insane I am to subject myself to such pain. Note to self, facial piercings do not heal easily. I don't remember having this much trouble with my tongue, but then again it was right around my 21st, and I spent a lot of time intoxicated. This post has been brought to you by my completely scattered mind (I'm seriously more out of it than usual this month, and cannot wait for March... this has been the month from HELL), once again proving you really are taking a peek into my insanity. I'm off to catch up on some email... anyone have suggestions for "Idiot of the Week" yet??
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I'm still alive and not ignoring you!
Posted by
2/21/2006 09:47:00 PM
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