Not the accused soldiers, of course, I care deeply for them. The detainees who were "abused" are the ones I couldn't give a shit about. America has two more in it's sight, ready to put them in front of a firing squad for doing their goddamn job. Oh, the poor prisioners in Abu Ghraib, they were mistreated and not given the royal treatment!! WAHHHH!!!! The soldiers scared them, and made them feel like criminals!! The poor things!! What about the Americans who were blown the fuck up, or tortured and beheaded by insurgents?? Fuck the Geneva Conventions, our soldiers have to follow the rules while the enemy gets to make it's own, and then they come home and go to jail, or get kicked out of the service, because they did what they had to do in WAR. It's not a playdate, buttercup.... it's fucking war... it's you or me, buddy, and I want to go home to my family. It's no secret my husband hasn't served in OIF yet, but I've still seen the damage first hand. I've been to the funerals, I've sat next to friends who have PTSD while they twitch and jump in their sleep, I've seen the scars, the limps, the guys missing limbs, the widows with young children, the alcoholism, the drug abuse, the absolute HELL that is left in the aftermath of this little project we have going on in Iraq. I've listened to the stories of horror and terror endured while serving in Iraq, young adults who will spend the rest of their lives reliving those moments in their head, unless they drink or medicate them away, or commit suicide to make them stop. Don't forget, folks, we're not at "war" anymore, but we still lose soldiers nearly every day. We're "winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people" while they throw grenades at our soldiers' feet and plant IEDs for them to run over. Now, this incident happened during the actual ground war, the same time as the other "abuse" in this now infamous prison. I say "Job well done, Sgt. Smith, and Sgt. Cardona. Hooah." It's a goddamn shame that the other soldiers like Charles Graner and Lynndie England went to prison for doing exactly what they should have, and the unfortunate reality is these two sergeants will probably face the same fate. It's complete bullshit, and an insult to ever soldier who risks his or her life for this "project".
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Again, I ask... who the fuck cares about them??
Posted by
3/12/2006 01:20:00 PM
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