Wow, that sure was fast. They convicted Sgt. Smith of 6 of the 13 counts of abuse he went on trial for. He's here at Riley, which I was unaware of when I wrote my previous post (I guess I should read the post newspaper more often) and I really wish I could go see him, shake his hand, and tel him how sorry I am that the system fucked him. He'll be sentenced later today, this should be interesting. You know what chaps my ass the most in this case? September 11th terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui has been in custody forever now, and the crimes he committed were in 2001. We STILL can't seem to get his trial moving at any kind of decent speed, they are trying to delay it, trying to drop charges, trying to call the FBI liars to get him off on conspiring in the biggest mass murder in US history. However, a soldier lets his dog scare a couple of terrorists, and we convict him in less than 18 hours of deliberation. That, my friends, is BULLSHIT. What have we become if we can't punish killers, but we can ruin the lives of those defending our freedom from said killers?? Oh, and for those of you who haven't been paying attention to the news this week, Bush has asked us to look past the bloodshed in Iraq and see the good happening there. I guess the 2,219 US soldiers dead as of right now is a small price to pay, especially when we are doing such wonderful things as convicting our soldiers of abusing terrorists in WAR. I mean, didn't you get the memo?? We're supposed to invite them to tea and krumpets, and ask them to pretty please tell us when they plan on killing us. DUUUUHHHHHHH!
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Complete Bullshit
Posted by
3/21/2006 10:08:00 AM
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