Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ragtag Army

We are the wealthiest nation in the world, but at the moment our Army looks like the most ragtag bunch ever. You see, we're currently transistioning from BDUs (Battle Dress Uniforms) to ACUs (Army Combat Uniforms). So, let's take Ft. Riley as our example. Some soldiers are in BDUs, the camo green uniforms that most people associate with the military. Others have just come back from combat, and are in DCUs (Desert Combat Uniforms), the tan uniforms that we have used in desert wars of past. The DCUs are worn with no-shine tan boots, while the BDUs are worn with the shiny black boots. Some soldiers in BDUs are authorized by their units to be wearing the tan boots with the BDUs, which looks retarded. Even more variations are now in play, because we're switching to ACUs, which will be the full time uniform for all of the Army. So, pretty much? No one coordinates... AT ALL. To make it even more interesting, all of the gear, like helmets, flak jackets, and such are in the green woodland pattern of the BDUs, so regardless of what uniform you are wearing, your gear is BDU colored. All in all, this transitional stage is much like growing out your bangs, it looks awkward and is a total pain in the ass! It's a nightmare for a Virgo like me, I need things to MATCH! Some pictures for those of you who aren't military related, so you can understand what I mean.

ACUs on left, BDUs on right
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DCU pattern

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