This was stolen from Ammie, and out of all the memes today, this was the most interesting... LOL I guess my mind is just in the gutter!! Anyway, if you are related to me, or easily offended, you might want to look away... don't say you weren't warned.
1. How old were you the first time? Um, do I have to be honest? 15
2. Name of your first? Bill
3. Good or Bad? Horrible. We had dated for like 6 months, finally did the deed, and his Catholic guilt got the best of him, he cried. Um, wow... that was not good at all. Besides, we were both virgins, how good could it possibly be??
4. Name of the worst and why? Hmmm... I'd better not name names. I will say he really just had no idea what he was doing, and was experienced enough that he should have. *wink* If you know me well enough, ask me sometime, and I'll spill the beans, just not here.
5. Name of the Best and why? Like Ammie, I'm going to say my husband (and not just because he reads this!!). That boy is good... he's got some talent. ;)
6. Weirdest place you ever had sex? Weirdest? In a car, while he was driving. Probably not so much weird as DANGEROUS!
7. Favorite position? Haha, not telling
8. Ever fake an Orgasm? Yes
9. Would you admit it if the person asked? I've admitted it even when they didn't ask... but not always.
10. Favorite time of day to have sex? Late night
11. Most times you have had sex in one day? 6 or 7 haha!!
12. Same person? Come on now, what kind of question is that? And if it wasn't would I admit that?? But yes, it was.
13. Ever fantasize about someone other than the one your with? Sure, sometimes, but not WHILE I'm with him. I'm married, not DEAD.
14. Restrictions during sex? (I'm leaving Ammie's original answer here, because I couldn't have said it better myself!!) Do you mean restraints? Because I like restraints. If you mean limits to what is allowed–very few.
15. Accessories? They have their own drawer... that's all I'll say about that.
16. What? I'll never tell!! That's priviledged information. ;)
17. Done it in the rain? Yep.
18. Done it in a car? See number 6
19. Had a Threesome? I'll never tell!
20. Want to have sex now? Not RIGHT now... haha!!
Aren't you glad you now know more about me than you ever wanted to? Hey, get over it... we all have sex, who cares??
If you steal it give me a trackback so I know to come find you.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Meme Monday: Sex Chronicles
Posted by
4/03/2006 01:22:00 PM
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