I don't watch the local news often, but it came on after the game, and I am really wishing I didn't catch the top story. Ever heard of Westboro Baptist Church?? They're a Topeka, KS church that has caused quite a stir lately. They've become famous for protesting military funerals, and picketing with signs saying things like "God Hates America", "God Hates Fags", "Thank God For Dead Soldiers", "Thank God for IEDs", and other disgusting phrases praising the deaths of American soldiers, and denouncing homosexuality. A Florida band, BiteBoy, traveled to Topeka to protest these assholes this Father's Day, in honor of their friends overseas. I won't even give these pathetic excuses for humans the courtesy of a link, but I think I will be spending part of next weekend counter-protesting these fuckers. Anyone in the Topeka area willing to join me, feel free to email me. Their sites list the upcoming funerals of soldiers recently killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, where they plan to protest. They also have a quote on one page saying "2,475 [American soldiers KIA], WBC prays for it to be 244,475!!!"
What kind of pitiful excuse for a church would spread such a hateful, disgusting message? They are no better than the extremist Muslims who commit terrorist acts in the name of "God". The most ironic part is they feel our soldiers and civilians deserve to die because America accepts homosexuality! The terrorist acts of 9/11, the war in Iraq, natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, and tragedies like the coal mine deaths are "punishment" for accepting homosexuals, according to these geniuses. Now, I was raised in a Baptist church, and the God they worship wouldn't encourage such hate. I may be an agonostic, but I wouldn't trust any god or diety that did!
Anyone who happens to live near Beatrice, NE, they will be displaying their hateful message there on 20 June, at a military funeral. They are also protesting funerals in Donalsonville, GA today (Monday), and Arlington National Cemetary on Tuesday, so if you happen to be near any of these locations, please consider speaking out against this abomination, and supporting the families who lost their sons.
It's funny, I don't think they have the balls to come here, only 45 minutes away, and protest at a funeral, because they know they'd be playing in the lion's den. We all know what happened to the last asshole that thought God would protect him from the lions. (EDITED, I was wrong, a quick search of some photos from funeral pickets they are SO proud of shows they were here in 2005, in Junction City, KS, and protested a graduation in Manhattan, KS this month. They also had the balls to show up in Temple, TX, near Ft. Hood, to protest yet another funeral. These assholes need to be stopped.)
I realize this is not exactly new news, but somehow it never crossed my radar until tonight. I'm filing this under Dogtags & Combat Boots, although it might be more fitting under STFU, K? THX! I'm just entirely enraged...
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Blood Boiling
Posted by
6/18/2006 09:47:00 PM
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