Begin Rant...
Ok, SJ posted on Blogging Baby a few days ago about the Army implementing a new PT program for pregnant soldiers. Now, being a woman, and an Army wife, I have a few issues with female soldiers, and am grateful that my husband's MOS (job in the Army) means he is in an all-male unit. Here's the thing. Females who join the military need to soldier up. They are judged by different standards than male soldiers, and given a lot more leeway when it comes to physical fitness, which I think is unfair. If you want to hang with the boys, you need to not only do it as well, but BETTER, because you have something to prove. This is, by nature, a male environment, and if you can't hang, you shouldn't join. Now, here's what set me off today. My neighbor babysits for a female soldier. I should note that my neighbor just got out of the Army herself (her husband is a soldier as well) and another neighbor is a female soldier. I respect those women who stay in shape, do their best, and take pride in being a soldier. However, the female soldier my neighbor babysits for is pregnant again (has a 4 year old). I just saw her, in her maternity BDUs, which were disheveled, wrinkled, and not anywhere close to being in regulation. In addition, pregnant soldiers are often authorized to wear sneakers (AKA Japanese Jump Boots) rather than their combat boots. This soldier was wearing sneakers, adding to the completely disgraceful look of her uniform. She was also outside without her beret, basically I could have pointed out at least 10 things with her appearance that were out of regulation. Now, I've been pregnant, obviously. I know that is can be difficult and uncomfortable (Hello? I carried twins and was on bedrest for 4 months. I know pregnancy can suck), but considering the exceptions that are made for pregnant soldiers, the least they can do is press their uniform and keep their appearance in regs. I don't expect them to do hard labor while pregnant, or to put their baby in danger, but what is so difficult about keeping up your appearance as every other soldier is required to do?? So, back to the new PT program that is being implemented, I applaud it. Exercise during a normal pregnancy is healthy, and can prevent excess weight gain, not to mention making recovery after birth much easier. Soldiers are provided free health care, paid maternity leave, and many other benefits that should be some sort of incentive to make a damn effort to do their jobs.
Also, female soldiers are given the option to get out of the Army early after delivering a baby. What about male soldiers whose wives just had a baby? That is not an acceptable excuse for requesting an early discharge. As a matter of fact, the 10 days "emergency leave" fathers are given are charged against their leave time. N just made an excellent point. Many women bitch about not being allowed into combat MOS, such as Infantry, but the reality of it is they COULD NOT do my husband's job while pregnant. I doubt even the smallest, healthiest pregnant woman could fit in a Bradley, and complete training exercises. Women, I understand our need to feel equal, but the feminist movement has gone too far. Let's be honest, we want to be treated with equal rights, and that is understandable, but we are built differently, and have different strengths than men. Deal with it.
End Rant
Monday, June 05, 2006
Here she goes again!!
Posted by
6/05/2006 09:49:00 AM
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