I have decided to resign. Expect my resignation letter by the end of the day. I am having a HORRIBLE parenting day, where the kids have decided that listening to me is NOT required, and continue to do the most disgusting and annoying things possible. For example, blowing spit bubbles, slurping juice and spitting it back into their cups, twirling in circles until they fall over and break things, destroying the bathroom when they are supposed to be going potty, and other wonderful preschooler moments. We are about to go outside and play, although it's hotter than hell out, so we'll see how this goes. Oh, and when they've finally pushed me to my breaking point, they say "I want to be GOOOOOD!", as if that negates all of the bad behavior.
I SO quit!!
I hear mothers talk about how they enjoy their time as a SAHM, I'm not one of them. I hate to admit it, and my children may one day hate me for this, but dealing with toddlers and preschoolers is NOT my forte'. Babies? I had a blast, I'm sure there were bad days, but my kids were easy babies, and I enjoyed spending my days with them. Now? I'm just burnt out. I have NO clue how to entertain these two all day long, and am overly excited when they have preschool two afternoons a week. They have hundreds, maybe a couple thousand dollars worth of toys, games, DVDs, and other crap to play with, but all they want to do is whine and watch TV. (As I type this they are riding in circles on their ATVs, and STILL not listening when I tell them NOT to run into each other or the house.) I have been thinking lately about getting a job, because I really don't think I'm cut out for this one, but the logistics of working are so complicated when you have to factor in child care, field training exercises for N, and the probability of leaving KS in 6 months. I could do in home daycare, there is a huge demand for that on post, but that means MORE kids to the mix, and if I can barely survive days alone with my OWN children, should I really take on other people's kids? I'm starting school (online classes) in the fall, with no real idea what I want to do when I "grow up". Actually, that's a lie, the careers I want more than anything are not an option for me, for various reasons. Beyond those pipe dreams, I've got no clue. Either way, I'm sucking today, big time. This post may or may not end up deleted, because it's so GD taboo to say anything less than "I LOVE being a MOMMY!!", but I am pretty sure I can't be the only person out there who feels this way.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
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6/21/2006 12:04:00 PM
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