Some randoms from the munchkin crew this week. I picked them up from pre-school Thursday, and Maddie's teacher said Mads had INSISTED she see "my mommy's pretty nails". Now, I have strong natural nails, but they are in horrible disrepair right now, as I've been working on refinishing the dining table. I don't know if Mads was thinking of my toenails, which are usually painted, but weren't at the time. So, completely baffled, I showed the teacher my hands, and we had a good laugh about it. If nothing else, my daughter still thinks I'm beautiful. *melt*
Of course, with the cute comes the not-so-cute. My Coke is sitting behind me on the accent table. Mads just reached over, and took a sip, I barely caught her out of the corner of my eye. Hey!! You're not allowed to drink Mommy's soda!
Conversation a few minutes ago.
Shane: "Mommy, Daddy is TWENTY EIGHT!"
Me: "Yes, buddy, he is."
Madison: "Mommy, you're 24!!"
Me: "No baby, I'm 23. I'll be 24 in September, in a couple months." (We've been discussing birthdays a lot lately, since they just had theirs, and Nate's was 8 days later)
Mads: "But WHY?? You're 24!!"
Me: *sigh* "Not yet, baby, I will be in a couple months."
There is no convincing her, and since everything is either "yesterday" or "tomorrow" wth Shane, he's decided tomorrow is my birthday. Maybe I should take advantage of the situation.
We took the kids to the zoo in Manhattan (no, not the REAL Manhattan, the town next to us here in Hell Kansas.) over the holiday weekend, and they each got a stuffed animal. Mads got a tiger, and Shane an otter. They took them to show and share on Thursday, still unnamed. Mads and her teacher decided on Tina the Tiger, but Shane still hadn't picked a name for his poor otter. I think we've decided on Obi the Otter. Why in the world I'm allowing MORE stuffed animals in this house is beyond me, I must be getting weak in my "old" age.
Anyone have any advice on nose picking? I swear, at any given moment you can look at my beloved son and his finger is piled up his nose. We cannot seem to stop this habit, he'll just cover his face or hide somewhere, and continue digging for gold. Oh, the joys of little boys. Ewwwww.... Of course, Maddie has been known to dig as well, the evidence on the wall next to her bed tells it all. Someone please tell me this stops...
Who said having children wasn't any fun?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Kiddie randoms
Posted by
7/08/2006 03:47:00 PM
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