Shannon is in the middle of her Blogathon, so don't forget to go say "Hi!", and sponsor her!
Daxahol gave me today's line of the day... The ole “life gives you lemons, made lemonade” example has been overused, so try the “life gives you balls…suck em.”
I completely forgot that this weekend is BlogHer. Yeah, I had great intentions on attending this year, and visiting a few California friends in the process, but here I sit in KS, so you can see how well that worked out for me. I hope everyone attending is having a great time, and say "Hi!" to Grace for me!!
Conversation with a (single, kid-free) friend:
SF: (about friends moving across country) "We should totally go out to LA and see them."
Me: "Sounds great, but what do you propose I do with my kids?"
SF: "Don't they have kennels or something for that purpose?"
It was, of course, a joke, but it got me wondering... why aren't there kiddie kennels, staffed with SuperNanny wannabes, where you can go on vacation knowing your kids are learning, and being fed well-balanced meals? The alternative is sending them to the grandparents, where they are sure to be chocked full of sugar and junk, and come back spoiled rotten. Oh, crap... I'm about to do just that. Anyone know of a good Kiddie Kennel?
New hair product I am IN LOVE with... Aquage finishing spray. I heart it. Lots.
We don't watch the Wiggles in our house, but SJ has come up with a Wiggles drinking game. From the one or two episodes I've seen over time, I agree, we'll need a few cases of alcohol to play.
Conversation last night...
"So, Mike subscribes to a bunch of magazines. I open the mailbox and see Gentleman's Quarterly. My first thought is 'Hmm... I haven't seen this in a couple months."
Not everyone got it, which is a bit unsettling.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Randoms (I keep editing this to add more as the day goes on)
Posted by
7/29/2006 12:46:00 PM
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