Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Weekend update

Thank you for all your well-wishes and concern!! I'm feeling ok, a little sore, but should be fine in a couple days. This weekend was pretty bland after the surgery, I spent Friday at a friend's apartment recovering sans kids, and didn't have my laptop, so I didn't get caught up on blog reading until today. I FINALLY made it through all of my bloglines, and realized how much I miss everyone!! I stayed in Friday night (obviously), and spent Saturday sick from the pain meds, so when I tried to make it out with my friends on Saturday night, it didn't work out, I ended up coming right back home and going to bed. Sunday we did go out, although I wasn't 100% (freaking out because Kasey won, while at a rather yuppie college bar is funny, no one really understands why you're so excited), and yesterday was spent at home relaxing. How was your weekend??