Blame Nicole for this one...
10 first
First best friend - Nicole Harris
First car - 2001 Lexus RX300
First love - probably Zach Devenny
First vacation - Either Cape Cod, or Boynton Beach, FL. My grandparents had houses in both places most of my life, so I travelled a lot as a baby.
First job - Working at my family's deli, Nixon's General Store
First piercing - my ears when I was a baby, and a bunch of times as a child... they kept closing up
First concert - Bush at the Civic Centre in Philly (Razorblade Suitcase tour, Veruca Salt opened)
First record/cd bought - Probably Skid Row
First real love - IDK, honestly.
9 latest
Latest alcoholic beverage - Um, either a UV Blue Lemonade or a Sex on the Beach
Latest car ride - to Walmart, ugh!!
Latest movie watched - The Wild
Latest phone call made - Tasha
Latest jacuzzi bath - probably in 2001
Latest played cd - a burned mix
Latest time you cried - either yesterday or the day before, I had a total breakdown
Latest meal - I can't say I've had an actual meal today (B will bitch at me when he reads that!!), so Chinese last night??
Latest curse - Fuck!!
8 have you ever
dated one of your best friends - yes
been arrested - yes
fallen in love at first sight - no
been in a TV program - I don't think so
had your heart broken - yeah, who hasn't?
said you love someone without meaning it - no
made a prank phone call - yeah
7 things you wear
1. t-shirts
2. jeans
3. hoodie
4. fleece pants
5. watch
6. necklace or dogtags
7. undies
6 things you've done today
1. Hit snooze one too many times
2. Made lunches and packed clothes for the kids
3. Rushed to work
4. Worked all day
5. Talked to Tasha for a while
6. Surfed around on the web
5 favorite things
1. My kids (although they make me want to throw myself in traffic most days)
2. My friends
3. Laptop
4. Camera
5. My hoodie (yeah, I've officially claimed it, never getting it back *wink* )
4 people I can tell anything
1. Tasha
2. Bobbie
3. Brian
4. Meegan
3 choices
Black or white? Black
Summer or winter? Summer
Chocolate or chips? Chocolate
2 things to do before you die
1. Get my undergrad and Masters
2. Raise my children to be productive members of society
1 thing you regret
no regrets
Filed In: Daily Insanity
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Posted by
11/12/2006 12:32:00 AM
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