Well, some of those apply to me, and some to my kids. I got the call this morning that Madison was sick with a stomach bug, and might need to go to the ER because she couldn't hold anything down. I *still* struggled to get up, I've been exhausted lately and just not sleeping well. I went to the sitters, took her to the ER, where she was just fine, and then came back home to let her rest for a while. Poor baby hadn't had any sleep, so when we were at the hospital she was out cold, and was still pretty lethargic the rest of the afternoon. I, on the other hand, was famished, I have no idea why I was so hungry, but I felt like eating everything in sight. It's bad when you're falling asleep waiting on the doctors in the ER, and dreaming about food. Luckily, she's doing just fine, she held down the popscicle and pedialite they gave her, so she was spared the anit-nausea meds. So, come home, pig out, fall asleep with Maddie, get up, give her a bath, and it's back to the sitters, so I can head to work for a couple hours. I came home from work, decided to go for a short run, and am now wondering if I'm ever going to improve my stamina. Over the late summer, early fall I was running almost a mile without stopping to walk. I stopped running for a while, and now I can't even run 2 full blocks without my lungs feeling like they are about to jump out of my chest, kick me in the face, and walk off on their own. It's pitiful, and as much as I'd love to be a runner, it's never been a strong point for me, even when I played sports all the time and didn't smoke. Oh well, I'm off to snack on something, and go to bed.
Filed In: Daily Insanity
Monday, December 11, 2006
Famished, sick, and utterly exhausted.
Posted by
12/11/2006 10:34:00 PM
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